You are the Chief Product Officer within a company with a standard bureaucratic organizational structure, currently undergoing a major downturn since the COVID-19 global health situation emerged in 2020. Until recently, the company has been successful using its current organizational structure, coupled with a closed innovation strategy and a rigid Agile product development methodology. Note: You can use the same company you used in the previous two assignments.
You have been tasked to recommend solutions for the companyâs board. Prepare a Chairpersonâs Board Report that includes the following:
· Situational Analysis
· Document a bureaucratic organizational structure closed innovation process as the introduction for your report.
· Uncertainty Analysis
· Review key weaknesses the company must improve upon.
· Examine key competitors driving uncertainty factors.
· Explain the impact of closed innovation disruptive digital technology.
· Review the benefits of an ambidextrous organizational structure.

Sample Answer
Chairperson’s Board Report: Navigating the Post-COVID Landscape
Executive Summary
The company, once a stalwart in its industry, is now facing significant challenges due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The traditional bureaucratic organizational structure, coupled with a closed innovation approach, has proven inadequate in the rapidly evolving digital age. To address these challenges, we propose a strategic shift towards an ambidextrous organizational structure that fosters both exploitation of existing capabilities and exploration of new opportunities.
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