Conflict Management

Post in your Journal a step-by-step conflict management agreement or policy that you would want to have in an organization where you are the person in authority to implement a policy.

Select an organization with which you are associated or one with which you are familiar. Revisit the “Types of Leadership and Patterns of Management” tool you completed in Week 6. Think about how your leadership style would influence how you might address conflict in the organization you selected.

Post in your Journal a step-by-step conflict management agreement or policy that you would want to have in an organization where you are the person in authority to implement a policy. Include a step-by-step strategy for what employees and volunteers should do if they get into a dispute in order for it to be resolved.

Sample Solution


Aperiod. Music was to express the work and achievement of the specialist through conventional Russian and Soviet melodies. Effortlessness was to be a component in the compositional style. Stalin and the Party were to be celebrated through proper nationalistic subjects. These realities are extremely significant when thinking about the components>
Conflict Management

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