Provide a working definition of self-esteem.
Indicate the type of response format that you would recommend for our instrument (for example, Likert-scale, open-ended, true-false, multiple choice)
Discuss your approach to item construction. In other words, describe the process you use to generate items for our instrument.
List at least five items we could include in our new self-esteem scale.

Sample Answer
. Working Definition of Self-Esteem:
Self-esteem is an individual’s subjective evaluation of their own worth. It encompasses beliefs about oneself, 1 including feelings of competence, value, and acceptance. It reflects the degree to which a person approves of and values themselves.
2. Recommended Response Format:
I recommend a Likert-scale format. This format offers several advantages:
- Quantifiable Data: Likert scales allow for numerical scoring, enabling statistical analysis and comparisons.
- Nuanced Responses: They provide a range of responses (e.g., strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree), allowing participants to express varying degrees of agreement or disagreement.
- Ease of Administration and Scoring: Likert scales are relatively easy for participants to understand and for researchers to score.
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