US Charities Academic Essay

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US Charities

Start with the Excel workbook (spreadsheet) US Charities – start.xlsx.

Based on a 2012 study by Forbes, the starting worksheet contains four columns of information, which relate to top 100 charities in the United States. In terms of the information provided, Column A lists the Name of the organization; Column B is the value the charity received in private support; Column C lists each charity’s total revenue for 2012, and Columns D through F represent he percent of fundraising efficiency and charitable commitment respectively.

For this problem, you are to first complete the descriptive statistics summary starting in cell H2. To complete this portion of the problem, you will need to utilize functions such as MIN, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MAX, and SUM. For example, H2 will represent the minimum private support out of the 100 organizations listed in range A2:E101, I2 will represent the minimum total revenue of the 100 organizations and so forth. In a similar fashion, you will fill out the table for the remaining descriptive statistics for the entire table listed in A2:E101.

Next, for the 4 columns of information (i.e. Private Support, Total Revenue, Fundraising Efficiency, and Charitable Commitment, you are to fill out the Bottom 5 table, which starts in H9. In order to fill out the majority of the table (i.e. range H9:K13) you will need to use the SMALL function in Excel. You are then asked to fill in the correct formulas in the range H14:I15. In terms of the sub total for this portion of the table, you will use the SUM function of the Bottom 5 values above, and you will reference this sub-total and the grand total above to determine the percentage.

Similar to the instructions above for the Bottom 5 table, you will fill out the remaining cells with formulas for the Top 5 table. For the range H18:K22, you will need to use the LARGE function in Excel.

Finally, ensure all dollar values summarized are formatted as an Accounting value with no decimal places (i.e. $3,903). In addition to dollar values reported, ensure that percentages are all formatted as a percentage with two extra decimals (i.e. 89.64%)

NOTE: The dataset was downloaded directly from and was not modified. There does seem to be a slight problem with the dataset in that there are no values reported for World Help in row 96. Please include this row in your calculations, even though the values are missing

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