Three Strikes Law
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Please note a minimum of 8 academic/scholarly references is required. You can use law review cases, if citing cases or statues please use the Blue Book citations. Also, make sure you use in-text citations throughout the paper, and a lot. Do not use newspapers, unsupported personal opinion(s), and popular press magazines. Do not use Wikipedia, or other similar uncredentialed sources. Include both seminal and contemporary sources of academic information This is a ten page paper (excluding reference and title pages).
Essay Question: Write about the Three Strikes Law
Laws are evaluated by society for justness and fairness. Laws that do not meet these standards are deemed unjust. However, many laws that society deems unjust remain in effect. Provide an example of a law (either historical or current) that you feel is unjust and what you would do to overturn the law. In your response, be sure to include specific references to the law, specific examples of why you feel the law is unjust, and specific steps you would take to overturn the law.

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