The University is keen to know what the students feel about the service that is provided to them.,

The University is keen to know what the students feel about the service that is provided to them., The University would like to Design a small scale survey which will investigate an aspect of student life at Coventry University. Examples of which could be:

• Redesign of the library
• Teaching styles, feedback and coursework
• Teaching facilities
• Attitude to e-learning
• Student enrolment and the first few weeks
• Industrial placements
• Catering service
• Sporting facilities
• Student’s image of Coventry University Computer Science Department

You may decide to select something which is not on the above list or even adapt one of the suggestions. Discuss your idea with the lecturer before commencing.

You are required to write a report which includes the following:

1. Aims and objectives of your survey. The aims should outline what the main goals of your survey are and the objectives should show how you will meet those aims.
[5 marks]

2. Discussion, in the context of your survey, the sampling strategy and also the sample size. Put the survey in context. Explain why you selected a specific sampling strategy over others. Example the sampling size based on the population.
[5 marks]

3. A questionnaire in line with the aims and objectives of your survey. Include a blank copy of your questionnaire in the appendix.
[5 marks]

4. An explanation of the design of your questionnaire. This should cover but is not restricted to explaining why you asked certain questions, the types of questions included, the layout and font used, how you removed bias in the questionnaire, good features of the questionnaire etc.
[5 marks]

5. Analysis and presentation of your findings in the form of appropriate charts & discussion. Use clear quantitative statements when describing your charts. When carrying this analysis ensure you consider what your aims and objectives are and the questions you included in the questionnaire.
[10 marks]

6. A conclusion to your report. This should outline the main findings of the study supported by quantitative statements, consider what the aims of the survey were and provide recommendations where appropriate.
[5 marks]

7. A brief critical evaluation of the overall process which you have gone through in designing and analysing your survey. What you learned from the survey, how you would do things differently if did survey again, how successful the survey was.

[5 marks]

Please note that:
• The survey is to contain a maximum of 10 questions.
• Data is to be collected from up to 30 students.
• The report should be a maximum of 6 sides plus appendix.
• You must not email students the questionnaire.
• You must include a copy of the participation leaflet & ethics form in your appendix.

For a threshold pass of 40% a student will typically design a simple questionnaire to collect relevant information, from a sensibly chosen sample. The student will analyse the data and present the findings in a brief report.

For a mark of 70% plus a student will typically have demonstrated careful thought in the design of his/her questionnaire and planning of the survey, with the emphasis on collecting good data that will enable him/her to achieve the stated aims. A well constructed, professional, report will demonstrate a competent analysis of the data, using appropriate charts and tables communicating their findings clearly.

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