The metaethics of Divine Command Theory

In 500 words or more (no less), explain how one might apply the meta-ethics of Divine Command Theory to an egoist theory, a consequentialist theory, and a deontological theory.

You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary. You may use any scholarly source other than a dictionary, to include online video lectures.

The metaethics of Divine Command Theory



Sample Solution


Barack Obama was the primary African-American leader of The United States of America. He is presently a significant figure in American history since he chose to run for president. He was chosen by and by in 2012, “his accomplishments in office have made him one of the most transformative leaders of the previous hun The metaethics of Divine Command Theory dred years.” (Perry) He pushed his nation through the Great Recession, wars, common distress, mass shootings, and distinctive social socioeconomics. He likewise brought the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the American Recovery and Re The metaethics of Divine Command Theory investment Act (ARRA) to roll out an improvement. “Change we can have confidence in, yes we can” was his motto, after ten years we are living in a superior spot as a result of him. There have been five distinct presidents in this century. They all neglected to make widespread medical coverage. Obama made the ACA (known as Obama Care), and passed it in 2010. “Obamacare would cover a large number of the uninsured, a mammoth advance toward the Democratic dream of medicinal services for all. It likewise remembered man The metaethics of Divine Command Theory y less unmistakable arrangements to rein for the taking off cost and change the broken conveyance of American drug.” (Paul Glastris) Thanks to the Affordable Care Act “In excess of twenty million Americans have picked up inclusion since the entry of the law, which gives endowments to Americans to purchase inclusion, extends Medicaid qualification, and disallows guarantors from denying inclusion to individuals with previous c

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