The Fail on Enron


Case study Enron is a poster child for shareholder wealth destruction and bad behavior. This case describes the company’s strategy, internal and external governance to allow students to understand why the company failed. The case raises several interesting questions. What was the role of the accounting improprieties in Enron’s failure? What roles were played by strategic failures, the company’s culture and internal governance? Why did the firm’s auditors and board fail to foresee the problems at the company in time to save it?
your research should 3 pages to summarize and analyze the main points put forward in the case, which augment the textbook. It is not enough to describe materials/techniques already covered by the textbook. Exceptional work would include additional research and thoughtful synthesis of the authors’ ideas with your ideas. You should choose an article that focuses on financial management with a valuation component (your grade will be affected by the degree that there is a distinct valuation component. The paper will be graded using the following Rubric: Writing Criteria Weight Context/Purpose Considers the audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing assignment. 10 Content/Ideas/Support Articulates and supports a main idea(s) that is consistent with context and purpose. 50 Organization Uses logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to develop main idea(s) and content. 10 Sources Incorporates use of and identifies sources and/or research, according to APA and/or instructor guidelines. 10 Word Usage/ Grammar/Spelling/ Punctuation Uses wording, grammar, spelling and punctuation accurately and correctly.
The paper is supposed to answer this following question:
Why was Enron such an admired company prior to 2000?

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