The Effects of Herbs and Spices on Body Weight – A Systematic Review
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Hey there..
I need a “SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW” not a regular literature review. My regular literature review is another chapter that I will send a request for later.
This systematic literature review will be on 4 herbs and how they affect body weight. The four herbs are black pepper, red chilli, turmeric, and ginger.
I will attach a similar systematic review that you should follow. The other systematic review talks about different 4 herbs and how affect blood pressure. It’s so similar to our work so all it will
give you an idea about what I need.
I want you to send the work on stages to make sure you’re following the instructions
Key words: Body fat OR adipose tissue OR Bodyweight OR Body weight AND herb* or spice*or black pepper or Piper nigrum or turmeric or Curcuma longa or chili or chilli or red pepper or capsicum or
ginger or Zingiber officinale
Databases: You should use at least 4 databases. Pubmed is a must and you can choose any other common datebases such as Ovid medline, embase or biological abstracts.
Criteria: Similar to what the other review did did. At the end we look in this study for controlled trials as possible.

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