the chief economist in the ministry of health Essay Dissertation Help

1. Essay (100% of final grade)
You are the chief economist in the ministry of health (of the country of choice) and have been asked to put forward an innovative proposal around the following health policy reforms:

• – Introducing a user charges for patients at primary care level
Your note should be structured in three sections:
1. Statement of the problem:
1. describe the health care system in the country and
2. identify the problem (what is the economic argument/theoretical justification behind the issue) you are going to address with your reform (adequately and based on actual sources)
3. This section provides the rationale for needing to intervene, and leads logically to your proposed reform.
2. Present an economic analysis of your chosen policy reform:
1. using technical terms appropriately,
2. explain the economic principles underlying the reform and what problem it addresses
3. Describe how the policy reform is expected to

3. Reflect on potential limitations based on empirical evidence from other countries where similar reforms have been introduced. Argue in favour of the policy reform and defend against
potential criticisms of it.
Limitations section
Irregular economy-maybe crisis ( financial) restrictions and changes/ maybe there is black market due to that
Limitation: assume that the supply side is the we would focus on demand side since SS is exogenous
Moral hazard problems? Due to ex-post MH
Might end up to demand for more since they pay for more?
And this money raised should partly may go to docs, not other sectors?

Limitations when comparing with other countries
GDP per capita must have same GDP with other country
Demand side of copayment mechanism of another developing country because the GDP per capita are more equal
For instance if u compare a country that has the same reform but is low-income, restrictions like differences in GDP/capita or other limitations must be explicit .

How is the public sector financed? How is the private?
Gdp per capita is.. and the distribution GDp and see if equal distribution of wealth.
How docs are payed in public and private sector
Differentiating supply and demand price system
If it is a middle income country that utilizes the public health sector then …
Must have a medium class big to introduce a co-payment

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