Testing Personality.
Take this Personality Test, modeled after the Myers-Briggs Personality Type.
The test takes less than 12 minutes to complete; please be sure to answer honestly!
Once you get your results, be sure to click Start Reading to read an introduction to your personality type, followed by your strengths & weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, and so forth. Pay close attention to the section on Career Paths.
In a 2-page essay, answer the following questions.
Describe your results from the test. Do you agree with your results? Why or why not?
What, if anything, surprised you while reading about your personality type? What did you learn about yourself?
In what ways does your personality fit with your chosen career or Career Pathway? How might you approach your chosen career a bit differently, now that you have a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality?

Sample Solution
With its high reputation and strong br Testing Personality and image, Coca-Cola Company changed its original name Coke with New Coke in 1985, and, the company also aims to give their customers better taste (Datta, 1996). Generally speaking, although the company focus on whole population in the world, young generation is theTesting Personality target marketed of the company and they also want to show their products with full of youth and energy to their customers. Pendergrast(1993) states that Coca-Cola are cool and real, and , differentiate Coke from its competitors while Plummer (1995) argues âpepsi being you Testing Personality ng, exciting and hip and Dr pepper being nonconforming, unique and funâ. (cited in Jennifer, 1997). Coca-Cola Company had to carefully consider releasing a diet product line due to fears of weakening the brand. Part of the decision process relied on the invention of aspartame, which is regarded as a superior sweetener to saccharine with less side effects (Patrick and Thomas, 1992). Coca-Cola has been using its marketing mix to prove their success business. Market segments help the company to improve their products and services, knowing what their customers need and innovate new sectors. They markets the products selling into different or more than one market (e.g. Diet coke) (Patrick and Thomas, 1992). To know what their customers need, Coca-Cola uses the consumer s Testing Personality egmentation criteria and market into different groups: behavioural, psychographic and profile. Coca-Cola creates value to its customers and with good performance to convince people to buy their products. The company heavily invested lots of money to advertise the products from Testing Personality one country to another. According to its official website (2009), Coca-Cola Company says that it is proud to be the longest continuous corporate partner of the Olympic Games. It is obviously that the company has a long partnership with the Olympic Games since 1928 (Th Testing Personality e Coca-Cola Company, 2009). The reputation is getting stronger and stronger now. There are more than 3,000 beverages and being sold at every store and luncheonette and sports ground across the land (Hays, 2004). It is very convenience to buy them everywhere for parties o Testing Personality r any functions. The Coca-Cola Company treats each store differently. For example, in Japan, Coca-Cola Company segmented its products for customers, not only through their products or favourite Testing Personality choices but also according to the saving needs of logistics and vending mach>
With its high reputation and strong brand image, Coca-Cola Company changed its original name Cok Testing Personality e with New Coke in 1985, and, the company also aims to give their customers better taste (Datta, 1996). Generally speaking, alth Testing Personality ough the company focus on whole population in the world, young generation is the target marketed of the company and they also want to show their products with full of youth and energy to their customers. Pendergrast(1993) states that Coca-Cola are cool and real, and , differentiate Coke from its competitors while Plummer (1995) argues âpepsi being young, exciting and hip and Dr pepper being nonconforming, unique and funâ. (cited in Jennifer, 1997). Coca-Cola Company had to carefully consider releasing a diet product line due to fears of weakening the brand. Part of the decision process relied on the invention of aspartame, which is regarded as a superior sweetener to saccharine with less side effects (Patrick and Thomas, 1992). Coca-Cola has been using its marketing mix to prove their success business. Market segments help the company to improve their products and services, knowing what their customers need and innovate new sectors. They markets the products selling into different or more than one market (e.g. Diet coke) (Patrick and Thomas, 1992). To know what their customers need, Coca-Cola uses the consumer segmentation criteria and market into different groups: behavioural, psychographic and profile. Coca-Cola creates value to its customers and with good p Testing Personality erformance to convince people to buy their products. The company heavily invested lots of money to advertise the products from one country to another. According to its official website (2009), Coca-Cola Company says that it is proud to be the longest continuous corpor Testing Personality ate partner of the Olympic Games. It is obviously that the company has a long partnership with the Olympic Games since 1928 (The Coca-Cola Company, 2009). The reputation is getting stronger and stronger now. There are more than 3,000 beverages and being sold at every store and luncheonette and sports ground across the land (Hays, 2004). It is ve Testing Personality ry convenience to buy them everywhere for parties or any functions. The Coca-Cola Company treats each store differently. For example, in Japan, Coca-Cola Company segmented its products for customers, not only through their products or favourite choices but also according to the saving needs of logistics and vending mach>