Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and Virgin Mobile

Create a research report for a fictitious mobile communications business that presents information about Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and Virgin Mobile. It must address the business objective for Loud and Clear Mobile Telecommunications to become one of the top three mobile telecommunications providers by 2020.
You’ve just joined a company called Loud and Clear Mobile Telecommunications. They are the newest telecommunications company on the block, and have hired you for your research expertise.
The primary business objective for Loud and Clear Mobile Telecommunications is to become one of the top three mobile telecommunications providers by 2020.
They want to know what their competitors’ mobile business units are doing. They also want to know how and which are the growing areas of the industry.

Your task is to prepare a research report on the following telecommunication companies:
• Telstra
• Optus
• Vodafone
• Virgin Mobile.

In your report, you should:
• Develop research objectives.
• Outline your research method and strategy.
• Prepare an outline of information.
• Gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources that:
1. Provides an overview of the telecommunications industry.
2. Examines the relationship between each service provider.
3. Examines pricing policies across each service providers.
4. Determines what mobile phones are on offer and their points of difference.
5. Examine pricing models of service providers

Using MS Office, organize the information:
1. Determine who offers the best value for money for customers.
2. Determine what mobile phones are the most popular.
3. Analyze the pricing for mobile phones.
4. Determine who the market leader is.
5. Determine the latest trends in mobile communications.

Analyze the information using various data analysis methods to:
1. Find out the difference between off peak and peak rates.
2. Determine the differences between business and personal mobile pricing.
3. Determine the cheapest deals to purchase a mobile phone.
4. Determine the most expensive deals.
5. Determine how pricing differs between each service provider.
6. Who offers the best coverage?
7. Identify current trends.
• Produce findings and conclusions.
• Interpret and discuss findings.
• Suggest recommendations for Loud and Clear Mobile Telecommunications.
• List research sources and raw data in the appendices and bibliography.

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