Teen birth

The questions to answer are:

1. Teen birth rates are commonly believed to be increasing. Identify whether the information provided in the article “Teen Birth Rates” (found on the course main page) supports or debunks that belief, and summarize the sociological factors identified in the article that are behind the recent change in teen birth rates.

2. Sociology attempts to rely on data to understand society, not just one person’s experiences or opinions. In your own words, summarize the data found in two of the charts in the “21 Charts About the U.S.” link that is found on the course main page.

3. In several states voters have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. A researcher wants to determine whether voters in Michigan might do the same. Identify a research method (called “research tools” in Chapter 3) that would not be a good method to use for this study, and discuss several reasons as to why the method would not be a good fit for the study.

4. You are in the process of applying to a university and need to send an email message to an admissions officer. What are 6 norms for sending such a message?

5. Discuss which one of the agents of socialization has had the biggest impact on you.

6. Using Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis of social interaction, identify the impression you seek to convey during a job interview and describe several performances used to convey that impression.

Each of the questions is worth 15 points and requires a 150 word (about a third of a page, single-spaced) answer.

Your assignment should total 900 words (around two single spaced pages) in length. This means 900 words total for all of the questions, not each one.

Please submit the assignment single-spaced; double-spaced

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