Synthesis of Immersion to Professional Nursing


The student will, through written presentation, be able to:


  1. Discuss the topic below

             How did a nurse in history contribute to the profession of nursing and discuss his/her influence on current nursing practice

  1. Demonstrate proficiency of APA format.




These topics are covered during the Immersion Experience. Students are responsible for reading the chapters that go along with the presentations as well as doing some research to support the synthesis.


Write a formal paper at least 3 pages in length (this does not include the title and reference pages). The formal paper should have an introduction and a conclusion that demonstrate synthesis of the concept presented. No abstract is required, but the paper must follow 6th ed. APA format for punctuation, headings, font, etc. (see Grading Criteria). Three (3) scholarly references are required. The paper is to be submitted electronically to the dropbox on D2L.


Complete and submit the assignment by the due date and time. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 5% of the points possible for the assignment per day late. Faculty also have the right not to accept late assignments and may assign a score of zero for such assignments.













Grading Criteria for Formal Paper


Include a copy of this page with your paper



Name: ____________________________________________________



Points possible / points achieved



  1. Technical Writing Skills:

Spelling                                                                                                                               10           __________


Organization                                                                                                      10              __________


Sentence Structure                                                                                                         10           __________



  1. APA Format:

Title Page with Running Head                                                                                    6              __________


Header and Page Numbers                                                                                       5              __________


Spacing, Margins and Font                                                                                          5              __________


In-text Citations                                                                                                              8              __________


Reference Page                                                                                                               8              __________





Text, Scholarly Journal and a Scholarly Internet Resource (3)                       8           __________



If APA format is not followed, the paper will receive a score of zero (0).



TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE                               70



TOTAL POINTS EARNED           _________



Appendix E: Peer Review Guidelines

Peer Review Guidelines


Name of Reviewer: _____________________________________________________________


Assigned number: __________



Spelling               No spelling errors.


Organization      Organized logically with clear flow of thoughts from section to section.


Sentence Structure         Paper does not use subjective or emotional words such as “feel” when intending to convey thought or belief.

Sentences do not end with a preposition.

Singular subject is used with a singular verb or a plural subject with a plural verb.

Use of a comma before “and” or “or” in a series.


Title Page with Running Head


***See Below for Details***


Running head and Title: A short title (no more than 50 characters), .5 inch from the top, flush left following the words “Running head:”

Pagination: The Title Page is page 1.


Paper Title: Uppercase and lowercase letters, centered, 2 inches below running head.


Author(s): You! Uppercase and lowercase letters, centered on the line following the title.


Institutional affiliation: Uppercase and lowercase letters, centered on the line below the author.

Double space: All

Header and Page Numbers


***See Below for Details***


First narrative page of body of paper

Title: Title of paper in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered on the first line, 0.5 inch below header.


Pagination: Page numbers one inch from the right on the first line of every page (beginning with the title page).

The body of the paper begins on a new page (on page 2) (unless an abstract is included as page 2).


Page Header: An abbreviated title, printed at the top of all pages, appears flush left in all uppercase letters, half inch from top margin.


Spacing, Margins and Font           All present: Double Spaced, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 Font



In-text Citations               Examples:

Mills and Mullins (2008) placed the cost of a new hire as “equal to the cost of one year of RN salary” (p. 310).

The cost of a new hire is “equal to the cost of one year of RN salary” (Mills & Mullins, 2008, p. 310).

(Year stays next to the author; page number with quote)


Quotes longer than 40 words:

  • Omit quotation marks.
  • Start the quotation on a new line.
  • Entire quotation indented five spaces from the left margin.
  • Maintain double-spacing throughout.•

Reference Page


Examples Given for Each!




Resources           Paper has Foundations textbook, scholarly journal, and a scholarly Internet resource.






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