Criteria for Content
- Overview of healthcare policy: This section introduces healthcare policy. It should contain the following
¢ Define healthcare policy in general and its implications for the nursing profession
- Define the role of advocacy and how it can impact healthcare policy
« Explain how the role of advocacy is consistent with the responsibilities of an advance practice nurse
- Identification of selected healthcare policy concem: This section provides foundational information
regarding the student-selected healthcare policy concern. It should contain the following elements:
¢ Specifically identify the selected healthcare policy concern
« Description of the impacted population group
- Provide a comprehensive description of the selected healthcare concern by including:
o How frequently does it occur?
o What impact does the selected healthcare concern have upon the community and population group?
- Description of student-identified solution to the selected healthcare concern: This section presents a
comprehensive picture of the student-selected solution to the selected healthcare concern. It should
contain the following elements:
« Identify, with specific detail, the solution to the student-selected healthcare concem
« Identify the following areas:
o What would be the positive outcome if the solution was implemented?
o What changes would need to occur in the community to foster implementation?
o What changes would need to occur in the population group to foster implementation?
o What measureable actions will demonstrate a positive outcome if the solution was implemented?

Sample Solution
Title:A Critical Discussion o Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida f Administering Medicine by Intramuscular (IM) Injection Presentation In the United Kingdom nursing practice is bound essentially by some managing statutes and standard which prerequisites certain rehearsing morals for medical attendants and the individuals who may turn into an attendant, for example, understudy nursesespecially inside England environ. In any case, giving intramuscular infusion (IM) is a piece of nursing practice that each learner understudy must pick up during preparing. Intramuscular infusion (IM) is the most secure way and bes Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida t endured type of managing drug on patient ( ). In any case, there are some development parts of moral qualities and legitimate standards managing nursing work on, including a structure on the best way to direct intramuscular (IM) infusion ( ). There are five destinations which are at present observed as potential locales to control intramuscular infusion (IM); Deltoid, Dorsogluteal, Ventrogluteal, Rectus femoris and Vastus lateralis (Tortora and Derrickson, 2008). In any case, the reason for this task, this paper, will fundamentally talked about and banter the accessible proof in connection to managing intramuscular infusion (IM) andevaluate its potential impact in connection to mental, social and social elements impact,of dorsogluteal (DG) and ventrogluteal (VG) destinations. At long last, social elements and social potential impact of mental effect of intramuscular infusion (IM) will be assessed; and end dependent on how this proof will affect future nursing vocation practice and any found expertise that may improve future aptitude advancement. Foundation The organization of intramuscular infusions (IM), is a significant expertise in grown-up nursing and basic in all nursing field. Agreeing, to National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2006) fast tranquillisation ought to be utilized or applied if all else fails to quiet a patient when all serious nursing and de-heightening systems have fizzled. This is to keep away from the danger of such patient hurting themselves or others. Be that as it may, it is expertly prudent to initially offer oral tranquilisation which will be given with the assent of the patient. On the off chance that the degree of animosity, unsettling or fervor by the patient is high then a quick sedative will be given without earlier assent of patient. Moreover, Mental Health Act 1983 and the direction on Consent to Treatment (DH 2002) must be pursued. In following this course and accomplish fundamental outcome, organization of fast tranquilisation prescription must come through IM infusion to rapidly control serious mental and conduct scenes of the patient and keep up a condition of serenity in the psychological condition of the patient. As indicated by Greenway (2006) organization of Intramuscular Injection (IM) are predominantly connected with antipsychotic prescription which depend generally in type of station infusions as well as quick tranquilisation. This is to help oversee testing conduct or potentially psychological maladjustment of patient. Scenic route predicts a decrease in terminal organization, as he states just few understudy attendants are for the most part to apply the ability of managing intramuscular infusions (IM) after they have qualified as a medical attendant. As, the job o Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida f various part of nursing is changing as expressed by Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004), the organization of IM infusions will rely upon patient gathering and medical caretaker practice region. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2004) perceives some key difficulties inside the training, which expects medical ca Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida retakers to keep on refreshing their individual information and keep up capability and keep on creating aptitude they need and use rarely. Moreover, attendants ought to create clinical strategy and kept up proof based-practice, paying little mind to how regularly the abilities are applied. It is clear the indispensable part o Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida f medicine the board and nursing mediation particularly in clinical regions, keep on being organization of IM infusions (Hunter 2008), proposes superfluous entanglements can be maintained a strategic distance from while attendant is applying infusion strategy ability, which perpetually may make less torment the patient. The infusing of IM drug can put a patient at riskNational Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2007) if the technique is muddled. This might be because of inadequacy, absence of sufficient preparing and conflicting learning levels shown by medical caretakers are a piece of featured elements that go before to mistakes for the most part made by attendants during directing IM infusions. Dougherty (2008) recommends aseptic procedure ought to be utilized to assess the IM infusion destinations for any disintegration indications of skin to help avert disease and intricacies during readiness and organization of IM infusion. Alexander et al (2009) proposes Z following system to be applied, this is the right method to control intramuscular infusion (IM) in the DG site. When giving IM infusion the thumb ought to be utilized or the side of the non-predominant hand can be applied to extend the skin to help showed it over the site of infusion, this will keep up the rigidity during the system (Hunter 2008). At that point with the dashing movement, the needle ought to be embedded at 90 degrees to the skin, while the 2-3mm of the needle is uncovered at the surface and end blemishes on the syringe barrel must be unmistakable during this procedure. The rest of the fingers of the non-overwhelming hand will be utilized to unfaltering the syringe barrel, while the prevailing hand is utilized to destroy back on the plunger to suction. Be that as it may, if blood shows up during this procedure all gear must be disposed of and new system ought to be begun once more. On the off chance that there was no blood during the procedure it is more secure to continue. When administrating IM Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida infusion attendants are required to discourage the plunger at a pace of 1ml per 10 seconds, this will give the strands of the muscles time to extend and help suit the medication.After the needle is evacuated 10 seconds after, footing on the skin ought to be released.It might be important to wipe with dry dressing the infusion site and a mortar might be applied on the infusion site up until now, the patient has no referred to sensitivity, for example, to apply iodine, latex or Elastoplast. Notwithstanding, there are some discussion that encompass the infusion site zone picked to regulate IM infusion. The customary DG site decision by attendants to administerIM infusion are related dangers. The DG site which is arranged right in the upper external quadrant of the butt cheek and now and then landmarked by a visual quartering the butt cheek on a level plane and vertically, this activity can be reha Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida shed in the upper right-hand square. Little (2004) demonstrate the utilization of DG site for IM infusion can result to hazard to damage particularly to sciatic nerve, including the predominant gluteal conduit. Zimmerman (2010) recommends this can cause skin and tissue injury, nerve paralysis, contracture and muscle fibrosis, and loss of motion just as cause contamination. Be that as it may, lately (DuGas and Knor 1995, Perry and Potter 1998) have recommended area of IM infusion 5â7æ5 cm beneath the peak of the ilium. The sciatic nerve(SN) has continually being situated at the external quadrant near the inward lower edge of the upper. While some authorsand experts have recommended the upper external quadrant to be isolated into quadrants, so IM infusion can be embedded in the upper external quadrant, where upper external quadrant is found (Campbell 1995; Kerr and Sirotnik 1997), thenisolating infusion from the sciatic nerve(SN). Be that as it may, throughout the years this quadrant strategy has gone under criticismdue to lacking exactness (Kozier and Erb 1989; Perry and Potter 1994). Regardless of this, it is as yet utilized and appear in proof of some IM infusion strategy practices(Gilsenan 2000; Hemsworth 2000; Baston 2002). Under a significant number of these, choices that may include palpation of the back predominant iliac spine and all the more better trocanter of the femur are been proposed (Kozier and Erb 1989; Craven and Hirnle 2003). Along these lines, an understudy attendants while on preparing acknowledge that the VG site is difficult to milestone may proposes hesitance on their part to change a training they are capable in. Despite the fact that when medical caretakers become use to site area of the VG, including the encompassing life systems, they will begin to create certainty while getting use to the site (Greenway 2006). Rather than the DG site, the VG site has no real inconveniences related with the organization of IM infusions. There may show up some absence of current proof for picking the VG site as opposed to the DG site for fast tranquilisation when or during limitation of a patient. In any case, because of the idea of this circumstance particularly during applying strat Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida egy, wellbeing for each person during the procedure must be considered. In any case, neighborhood strategies as accessible ought to be applied for explicit direction on how patient ought to securely be situated and utilization of explicit holds to permit VG site to be landmarked while infusion is regulated. The VG site can be utilized if the patient is inclined, recumbent or semi-inclined (Greenway 2006).According to Small (2004) harm to the skinmay unavoidable because of DG sciatic nerve from IM infusions. In this way, it is prescribed VG site ought to be favored over the utilization of DG site for IM infusion. Zimmerman (2010) consents to this proof and unequivocally advocate for utilization of VG site for IM infusions rather than DG site for more than 1ml in patients beginning from or once again matured seven months old. More proof for picking the VG site is an examination completed by Nisbet (2006) demonstrating that the subcutaneous fat degree of the DG site is altogether higher than that of the VG site. It additionally demonstrated that infiltration of the objective muscle at the DG site was just 57 percent meaning the rest of the infusion would store into the subcutaneous fat prompting a shortfall in the take-up of the medication. Case of study Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida (Zaybak et al, 2007) appear ”90 percent of grown-up females and 44 percent of grown-up guys had fat de>
Title:A Critical Discussion of Administering Medicine by Intramuscular (IM) Injection Presentation In the United Kingdom nursing practice is bound essentially by some managing statutes and standard which prerequisites certain rehearsing morals for m Suicide Prevention in Marion County Florida edical attendants and the individuals who may turn into an attendant, for example, understudy nursesespecially inside England environ. In any case, giving intramuscular infusion (IM) is a piece of nursing practice that each learner understudy must pick up during preparing. Intramuscular infusion (IM) is the most secure way and best endured type of managing drug on patient ( ). In any case, there are some development parts of moral qualities and legitimate standards managing nursing work on, including a structure on the best way to direct intramuscular (IM) infusion ( ). There are five destinations which are at present observed as potential locales to control intramuscular infusion (IM); Deltoid, Dorsogluteal, Ventrogluteal, Rectus femoris and Vastus lateralis (Tortora and Derrickson, 2008). In any case, the reason for this task, this paper, will fundamentally talked about and banter the accessible proof in connection to managing intramuscular infusion (IM) andevaluate its potential impact in connection to mental, social and social elements impact,of dorsogl