students to examine a film, book, graphic novel, or other piece of media that deals with any of the civilizations, events, or peoples covered in this course. Essay Dissertation Help

The paper for this course requires students to examine a film, book, graphic novel, or other piece of media that deals with any of the civilizations, events, or peoples covered in this course.

The paper for this course requires students to examine a film, book, graphic novel, or other piece of media that deals with any of the civilizations, events, or peoples covered in this course. You must analyze the media critically, deciding how the event, person, etc. is treated. The key questions which students will need to address are: 1. Is the media faithful to the historical evidence? Why or why not? and 2. What can this media, in depicting the past, tell us about the present? Students must respond to both of these questions in the context of their paper. Remember to consider the time period in which the work was created. The selected topic must within the chronological constraints of the course – that is, from the dawn of mankind to ~1500 A.D. Requirements: The paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The font must be 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced with default Microsoft Word margins (1.25’’ left and right). Please include page numbers and a cover page. You must cite your work using either the Chicago Manual of Style or MLA format, and include a bibliography. File format should be in either .docx or .doc (Microsoft Word). Your paper must contain information from at least two sources of evidence in addition to the book, film, music, etc. itself. At least one must be a scholarly book and the remainder may be comprised of newspaper articles, peer-reviewed journals, document collections, presidential papers, etc. If you would like to use information from a website, please check with me to ensure the website is appropriate for an academic project. Please note that Wikipedia is not an acceptable source to cite in your paper. The textbook may be cited, but it will not count for one of your required sources. Guidelines: The following guidelines should ensure that you meet the above grading criteria. For a typical research paper – the “who,” the “what,” the “where,” the “when,” and the “why” – these are the most basic elements. When you write your paper, keep these requirements in mind and double-check to make sure each is represented in your final draft. My idea was the roman empire, possible using the film 300 as the piece of work to analyze.

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