strength” of organizational culture

1. Some people suggest that the most effect organizations have the strongest cultures. What do we mean by the “strength” of organizational culture? What possible problems are associated with a strong organizational culture?
2. Organizational are more likely to be successful when they have an adaptive culture. What can an organization do to foster an adaptive culture?
3. Consultants often present proposals to organizations to analyze the corporate culture. Usually the proposal is a new survey to tap the company’s true culture. It usually is about 5-10 minutes in length and is based on a sampling result of a small number of employees. Discuss the merits and limitations of this proposal.
4. You have recently been hired as a consultant to diagnose the environmental characteristics of your college or university. How would you describe the school’s external environment?
McShane, S. & Von Glinow, M. (2016). Organizational behavior. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
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