Strategic Staffing


Abstract Article Journal: You will find 4 articles related to assigned chapters in the text and write an abstract of the article.

The article should be written within the last 12 months and may come from popular business periodicals such as Business Week or Fortune. Use the online databases you have available through the library like Business and Company Resource Center and ProQuest to find articles.

The abstract will include a summary of the main points of the article, your opinion on the topic (how do you agree or disagree with the author?) and how the article relates to the chapter.

A copy of the article or a link to the article should also be included with the abstract.

Book -Strategic Staffing, Jean M. Phillips and Stanley M. Gully, Pearson, 2012

pLEASE USE THE ABSTRACT TEMPLATE:s (Use this as a template for abstracts) Name: _______________________________________________ Article Title: __________________________________________ Author: ______________________________________________ Journal/Periodical: _____________________________________ Publication Date and Page Number: _______________________ Article Abstract (1-2 paragraphs summarizing the article content) Your impression/opinion of the article (1-2 paragraphs). Major agreements/disagreements How does the article relate to the textbook chapter?

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