This assignment requires you to find an adult learning setting to observe for one class/session/meeting. The adult learning program must be °informal.’ Whatever setting you choose, it must be a new space that you have not previously observed for any other purpose. It may not be your own workspace. (4 + 1 students: Please e-mail instructor for observation guidelines.) After you have observed the adult learning situation, please write a brief summary of the experience. 1. The summary must include:
Name and location of adult learning situation Date of visit Name of facilitator Target audience: Describe the audience present at this course or program (age, race gender, any other demographics you can discern through observation) Sponsoring organization: Describe the organization (status as public or private, size, location, recent events, and vision, mission, and/or purpose of organization.) Rationale for course or program Course or program description: How the course might be described in a catalogue, course brochure or other marketing document. Include prerequisite courses,

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