Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization & Organizational Decision Making Annotated Bibliography
Order Description
Provide an annotated bibliography of the following 24 references that has been used for the uploaded research paper. This must be in APA format, with a cover page and references that each includes
a summary, analysis and reflection.
Specfically, the following must be met:
• The entries are properly formatted.
• The sources are current and relevant to the topic.
• An annotation exists for each source listed.
• Each annotation correctly summarizes/describes the corresponding source and demonstrates critical thinking skills regarding interpretation and application of material.
• The annotations are properly formatted and free of spelling and grammar errors.
Aggestam, L. (2006). Learning Organization or Knowledge Management Which Came First, The Chicken or The Egg. Infromation Technology and Control, 35(3A), 295-302.
Anderson, J. A., & Englebardt, E. E. (2007). Ethics and Culture of an Organization. 39-48.
Avedisian, J., & Bennet, A. (2010). Values as knowledge: a new frame of reference for a new generation. On the Horizon, 18(3), 255-265.
Berson, Y., Havlevy, N., Shamir, B., & Erez, M. (2014). Leading from different psychological distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower motivation.
The Leadership Quartely. Retrieved from
Boguslauskas, V., & Kvedaraviciene, G. (2009). Difficulties in identifying Company’s Core Competencies and Core Process. Commerce of Engineering Decision, 76-81.
Butts, J. B. (2012). Ethics in organizations and leadership.
Elango, B., Paul, K., Kundu, S. K., & & Paudel, S. K. (2010). Organisational ethics, individual ethics, and ethical intentions in international decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(4),
Eon Rossouw, D., & Van Vuuren, L. (2010). Business Ethics. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Gordon, G. G., & DiTimaso, N. (1992). Predicting corporate performance from organisational culture. Journal of management studies, 29(6), 783-789.
Gorelick, C. (2005). Organisational learnign vs the learning organization: a conversation with a practitioner. The Learning Organization, 12, 383-388.
Handy, C. B. (1985). Understanding Organizations. New York, USA: Facts on File Publications.
Harnel, G., & Breen, B. (2007). The Future of Management. Boston : Havard School of Business Report
Hoch, J. E. (2013). Shared Leadership and Innovation: The Role of Vertical Leadership and Employee Integrity. J Bus Psychol, 28, 159-174.
Jarrar, Y. F. (2002). Knowledge management learning for organisational experience. Managerial Auditing Journal, 322 – 328.
Lord, R., & Brown, D. (2001). Leadership, values and subordinate self-concepts. Leadership Quarterly, 12(2), 133-152.
Mallak, L. (2001). Understanding and Changing Your Organization’s Culture. Industrial Management, 18-24.
Mosley, D. C., Pietri, P. H., & Megginson, L. C. (1996). Management: Leadership in action (5th ed.).
New York: Harper Collins Publishers.
Park, H., V., R., & Schulte, W. D. (2004). Crictical attributes of organisational culture that promote knowledge management technology implementation success. Journal of Knowledge Management, 8(3),
Piccolo, R. F., & Colquitt, J. A. (2006). Transformational Leadership and job behaviors: The mediating role of core job characteritics. Academyof Management JOurnal, 49, 327-340.
Pillai, R., & Williams, E. A. (2004). Transformational leadership, self-efficacy, group cohesiveness, commitment, and performance. Journal of Organisational Change Management, 17, 144-159.
Shein, E. H. (2004). Organisational Culture and Leadership (3rd ed.). Danvers, M.A: The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series.
Simosi, M., & Xenikou, A. (2010). The role of culture in the relationship between leadership and organisational commitment: An emperical study in a Greek organization. The international Journal of
Human Resource Management, 21(10), 1598-1616. doi:10.1080/09585192.2010.500485
Treaswell, P., Ackyord, P., & O’Reilly, A. Value Based Leadership and Management – Creation, Permeation and Visibility: A Critical Analysis of Value Development in a Leading New UK Univeristy.
Trice, & Bayer. Studying Organisational Cultures Through Rites and Ceremonials.
Zulganef. (2015). The roles of organisational culture and ethics in shaping the behavior of accountant from the perspective of strategic management. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and
Management, 441-455.
Why do an annotated bibliography? The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides an excellent response:
A good annotated bibliography:
• encourages you to think critically about the content of the works you are using, their place within a field of study, and their relation to your own research and ideas.
• proves you have read and understand your sources.
• establishes your work as a valid source and you as a competent researcher.
An annotated bibliography is a list of sources and includes APA formatted references to the articles, books and resources which one has compiled for a research assignment. Following each reference
is a brief description and an evaluation of the source. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to benefit the researcher and provide the content, relevance and quality of the sources.
Do NOT simply cut and past the abstract as the annotation, as they are not the same. Abstracts are summaries of a source, whereas annotations also include a short summary. Abstracts include a
critical aspect to note the source’s author (why should s/he be considered an expert) and they explain the usefulness of the research being performed. Along with being an excellent source for APA
formatting guidelines, The Owl at Purdue has helpful information regarding annotated bibliographies and also provides helpful examples.
The APA format for an annotated bibliography is as follows:
Author Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (year). Name of journal article. Name of Journal
is Next,volume(Issue), page numbers.
A brief summary of the article.
Assess the article according to the focus of the research and provide criticisms. Who is the author and how are they qualified? Reflect on the source and how it fits in the topic chosen to
research. Is the source helpful? Too broad or too narrow? Explain how this research will fit into your research paper.

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