Selecting a DSM V Diagnosis: Schizoaffective Disorder

Selecting a DSM V Diagnosis: Schizoaffective Disorder
Order Description
The final project due in Unit 9 involves developing a comprehensive DSM-5 diagnosis and treatment plan for a hypothetical client. This assignment and the Unit 7 assignment include activities that prepare you for completing the final project.

In this assignment, you will select the DSM-5 diagnosis that will be the focus of your final project. In Unit 7, you will present the case study you have developed of the hypothetical client. Please review your course project information to familiarize yourself with the required components.

For this assignment, you will select the DSM-5 principal diagnosis that you will be presenting in the case study and final paper. Choose a mental disorder from Section II of the DSM-5 (excluding substance-use disorders, other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention (V and Z codes), and disorders noted in the chapters "Other Mental Disorders" and "Medication-Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication").

In your paper:

Identify the diagnosis you have selected for your final project. Do not describe the client you will use in your case study here—that information will be included in your Unit 7 assignment. This assignment is just about the diagnosis itself.
Review the theoretical models of psychopathology used to describe mental disorders. Choose three models from the approaches described in Chapter 2 of the Abnormal Psychology text. Choose one model from each type of approach listed below. For example, you might choose the genetic factors biological approach, the cognitive theory psychological approach, and the family systems interpersonal approach.
Biological approaches (brain abnormalities, biochemical abnormalities, genetic factors, et cetera).
Psychological approaches (psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic or existential theories—just select one of the psychological approaches presented in this model).
Social or interpersonal approaches (family systems or interpersonal theory).
Describe how each model explains the etiology of this disorder. (What causes the symptoms?) How can you apply each model to your own understanding of this diagnosis? For example, you can explain generalized anxiety disorder from a biological approach (temperament and neurotransmitters), a psychological approach (using cognitive theory to describe core beliefs and expectations), and a systemic approach (how the anxiety is influenced by the context of family relationships).
Describe the impact and effects of psychopathology on family functioning. How would a diagnosis of one family member affect the functioning of the couple or family as a whole?
Examine the impact of social, economic, historical, and political forces that have shaped the development of the diagnosis you have selected. When was it first considered to be a mental disorder and placed in the DSM? How has the description of the diagnosis evolved over time? Have outside forces in society had an impact on the way in which this diagnosis has been formulated and defined?
Identify the main symptoms a therapist might observe in a client with this mental disorder; this would include direct observation of the client in sessions, client self-report, or reports from others in the client’s life (teacher, family member, physician, and so on). Do not discuss information about the specific client you will be presenting in your case study; just identify the general symptoms that therapists might expect to see within this diagnosis.
Analyze the ethical and therapeutic impact of diagnostic labels on clients and larger systems, incorporating relevant theories or examples.
Your paper should be 5–7 pages long. Refer to the assigned course texts and articles, and use APA sixth edition style and formatting. Review the Selecting a Diagnosis Scoring Guide to ensure you have met the grading criteria for this assignment.

Tips for your unit 3 assignment
I’ve added notes to give you some tips. I may have highlighted or change the font color or I may have added text. Be sure to check all of them. I’ve also included the template for papers in MHC in this update and handout.

For this assignment, you will select the DSM-5 principal diagnosis that you will be presenting in the case study and final paper. Choose a mental disorder from Section II of the DSM-5 (excluding substance-use disorders, other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention (V and Z codes), and disorders noted in the chapters “Other Mental Disorders” and “Medication-Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication”).
In your paper:
1. Identify the diagnosis you have selected for your final project. Do not describe the client you will use in your case study here—that information will be included in your Unit 7 assignment. This assignment is just about the diagnosis itself.
2. Review the theoretical models of psychopathology used to describe mental disorders. Choose three models from the approaches described in Chapter 2 of the Abnormal Psychology text. Choose one model from each type of approach listed below. For example, you might choose the genetic factors biological approach, the cognitive theory psychological approach, and the family systems interpersonal approach.
1. Biological approaches (brain abnormalities, biochemical abnormalities, genetic factors, et cetera).
2. Psychological approaches (psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic or existential theories—just select one of the psychological approaches presented in this model).
3. Social or interpersonal approaches (family systems or interpersonal theory).
3. Describe how each model explains the etiology of this disorder. (What causes the symptoms?) How can you apply each model to your own understanding of this diagnosis? For example, you can explain generalized anxiety disorder from a biological approach (temperament and neurotransmitters), a psychological approach (using cognitive theory to describe core beliefs and expectations), and a systemic approach (how the anxiety is influenced by the context of family relationships).
Describe the impact and effects of psychopathology on family functioning. How would a diagnosis of one family member affect the functioning of the couple or family as a whole?
4. Examine the impact of social, economic, historical, and political forces that have shaped the development of the diagnosis you have selected. When was it first considered to be a mental disorder and placed in the DSM? How has the description of the diagnosis evolved over time? Have outside forces in society had an impact on the way in which this diagnosis has been formulated and defined?
5. Identify the main symptoms a therapist might observe in a client with this mental disorder; this would include direct observation of the client in sessions, client self-report, or reports from others in the client’s life (teacher, family member, physician, and so on). Do not discuss information about the specific client you will be presenting in your case study; just identify the general symptoms that therapists might expect to see within this diagnosis.
6. Analyze the ethical and therapeutic impact of diagnostic labels on clients and larger systems, incorporating relevant theories or examples.
Your paper should be 5–7 pages long. Refer to the assigned course texts and articles, and use APA sixth edition style and formatting. Review the Selecting a Diagnosis Scoring Guide to ensure you have met the grading criteria for this assignment.Five to seven pages does NOT include the title page, abstract or reference list.
Submit your paper to the assignment areaand the Turnitin folder for the unit 3 assignment.

As you read through the instructions (above), I’m sure you noticed that it is focused exclusively on diagnosis and etiology – no client, no treatment. This may be difficult for you, as it is always a temptation to drift right over into treatment. Many of you have done this in your discussion posts. It will continue to be a temptation throughout the course.
Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the questions asked and directly respond to them in your paper. You may find it helpful to use key phrases from the questions as your headings.
Submitting your finished paper to both the assignment drop box in the course room and to the assignment folder in Turnitin are key. Your paper will not be graded if I can’t find it in both places.

I’ve added a screen shot of the Turnitin page. You will notice that there are two draft folders. They are for learner use, to check early drafts so you can correct any errors you may find. I do not look in those folders! I look in the folder that is labeled “U03a1: Selecting a Diagnosis.” That is where the final copy of your paper should be.
I have also attached the template for assignment papers that was developed by the counseling department. Be sure to use it when writing this paper.
If you have any questions, please let me know by 3 pm central on Friday! If you wait until the weekend, I may not be in the course room and I will not be answering my office phone.
Dr. Perry

Unit and Assignment Title
Start writing your introduction here (1-2 paragraphs). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all paragraphs throughout your paper (not block form!). Aim to keep your writing objective using 3rd person (see handout in the Discussion boad). Unless required for the specific assignment, please do not include a Table of Contents, as it is not APA style. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required (if provided.) Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past 5 years. Please use headings throughout your paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required areas.)
When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to your ear – it is not working on paper! Please submit your papers to turnitin (link in the course homepage) to check for plagiarism. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with
Level 1 Heading: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading
Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper.
Level 2 Heading (if needed): Flushed Left, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading
For papers in this course, this will likely be all the heading levels you will need. You can review APA 6th edition section 3.03. for more guidance.
Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of your paper.

Gladding, S. T., & Newsome, D. W. (2010). Clinical mental health counseling in community and agency settings (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.


Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials. Below is a list of common errors; please pay particular attention to:

• indenting
• use of upper and lower case
• italics
• use of double-spacing
• comma/period placement

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