Scientific Methodology
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writing the Scientific Methodology part of my thesis assignment. The entire thesis must be 80 pages, therefore I think that the Scientific Methodology section should be 5
The thesis I am writing is a case study of a go-to-market strategy in a small e-commerce startup company (my own company). My main source of theory is Lawrence Friedman’s Go-To-Market Strategy
(2002), but will be accompanied by Eric Ries Lean Start-Up, and other newer theorists within go-to-market strategies.
I want the Scientific Methodology section to outline considerations concerning philosophy of science, case study and the use of data being gathered by my-self, as I own the case-company.
I think the most relevant theory references would be Research Methods for Business Students by Mark N. K. Saunders.
I believe the second part of the Scientific Methodology will have to take close conversation and discussion with me and your assigned writer, in order to make sure that it will fit with the other
parts of the assignment. I hope this is possible.
In order for this to work for me, I need to be in close contact with the writer by phone, and if I feel this works well, I am hoping to be able to discuss with the writer, possibilities for writing
other parts of the essay.

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