Samsung bribery scandal Essay Dissertation Help

Samsung bribery scandal

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Samsung bribery scandal – A business style Report of a maximum of 1500 words (+/-10%)
This report should demonstrate your skills and ability to identify issues as they relate to business, prepare written documents, apply multi-disciplinary knowledge, produce well-reasoned and evidenced arguments. Students will gain deep knowledge of a major issue now impacting business and society. It is crucial that students as future managers and leaders of businesses develop the capability to identify, monitor and analyse major issues impacting their business or industry and then use written and oral communication to persuasively communicate advice to those they seek to influence.

Basically what I am trying to say in my report is – South Korea’s economy is heavily influenced by conglomerates (Like Samsung). Chaebols have high influence on government and economy, which makes all the possible chances of corruption.

The issue with this topic is ethical issue in terms of broken trust.
Samsung is one of the major contributor to South korea’s GDP. All the people (Stakeholder) of S. Korea, trusts Samsung and its working. But then there broke a Corruption scandal involving CEO of samsung. Scandal was on Bribery, Tax evasion, charges of favouritism, power abuse and many more.
Which shocked many of its stakeholders, even samsung share prices fell down during that time. Stakeholders were losing confidence on samsumg.
There was even close connection with businesses and politics in S korea, since majority of the GDP contributors were Chabeols (like Samsung, Hyundai). So, Samsung also used politicians to lobby and change the rules in their favour.

But this time during samsung’s scandal media played an important role and highlighted the issue, because of which the CEO is facing charges and is losing trust among its stakeholders. So, Media played an important role this time.

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