Rights of a prisoner.

Rights of a prisoner.

Chapter 8

Fill-in-the blanks.Â

1. Inmates have a right to ____ counsel and act as their own ____.Â

2. An inmate ____ (can or cannot) discuss legal issues with a fellow inmate.Â

3. The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that one of the fundamental rights within the due process clause of the 14th Amendment is the right of ____ to the ____.Â

4. Neither the 8th Amendment nor the ____ Â ___________ Â clause of the 14th Amendment requires states to appoint counsel for indigent death row inmates seeking post-conviction relief.Â

5. The United States Supreme Court case of ________ Â v. ___________ has had a profound effect upon the power of prison officials to regulate or prohibit an inmate’s right of access to the courts.Â

6. In _________ v. ___________ (case), the court held that prison discipline procedures must permit an inmate who is illiterate or who faces complex issues to have adequate assistance in lieu of counsel.

7. Courts have stressed the right asserted in ________v. _____________ was the right of an inmate to receive ______ Â __________ from a fellow inmate.

II. Essay Questions:Â (answer all)Â

1. Describe the effect of the court’s ruling in Johnson v. Avery.Â

2. Explain the role, functions and limitations of, and alternatives to, the jailhouse lawyer

Chapter 9

I. Fill-in-the blanks.Â

1. The disciplinary hearing serves as both the fact-finding process and the ____ process.Â

2. The term, due process of law, depends completely on ____ interpretation to give it relevant meaning.Â

3. ____, order, and ____ are major concerns of the administrative staffs of correctional institutions.Â

4. The fact-finding process involves a determination of the ____ of the allegation that a specified ____ rule has been violated.Â

5. Before there can be federal court intervention in management of the prison systems, there must first be a ____ of a ____ right.Â

6. A prison disciplinary proceeding in which the inmate is not informed of the nature of the accusation against him or her, nor the evidence to be used against him, does not comply with ____ requirements.

II. Essay Question:

1. Describe legal remedies and actions available to inmates relating to improper disciplinary processes within a prison.Â

2. What was not constitutionally required for inmates in the Wolff v. McDonnell case?

3. Explain the step by step process that must be taken to insure the rights of prisoners are protected during disciplinary hearings.Â




Race sociology

In what ways have you and your family been advantaged, or disadvantaged, by structural racism? Talk to your parents, grandparents, and/or other trusted older relatives (aunts, uncles, older siblings) about topics like applying for loans, home ownership, inheritance, education, labor market experiences, segregation, etc. After you have gathered this information from your family members, think carefully about how your family members’ racial/ethnic background has affected their life trajectories. For instance, do you think that your family has benefited from white privilege? How so? (For a refresher on white privilege, you may refer to the Peggy McIntosh reading on Blackboard.)

The landlady Essay
Quotations about; How Billy is described

– What literary devices or uses of figurative language are there?

– What is the effect of the words?

– What impression of Billy do you get? What sort of person is he?

Quotations or examples about; The Landlady that suggest she is “good”

– Say what each quotation is suggesting about her.

– What does Billy think about the Landlady?

– Find some language devices used and say what the effect of them is?

Quotations or examples about; The Landlady that suggest she is “bad”

– Say what each quotation is suggesting about her.

– What is the reader thinking about the Landlady?

– Find some language devices used and say what the effect of them is?

All of that needs to be 700 words.

Here is what I’ve done for Lamb to the slaughter; http://prntscr.com/93avgr.

If someone could suggest how to improve it it would be great.

Here are the links for these two stories;

Lamb to the slaughter – http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lamb.html

The Landlady – https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/landlady_text.pdf
Assignment: Analyzing Leadership for Change through
Organizational Charts
In the same way that models can be used to express your views of leadership in
general, models can also be used to express relationships with in a group or
organization. These models are based on organizational structure and are called
organizational charts. Assessing org. charts means critically comparing an
organizations structure and its function. Leadership and change occur best when those
two things are compatible.
• In this assignment choose an organization chart
from a group or organization that you either
know about or have an interest in – this can be
your university department, or religious
community or place of work. You can use your
CBL site and use it in your report, or create one
that represents an organization that you would
like to lead in the future, that you could use in
your final paper.
• Draw it out or design it on one sheet of paper.
There are even organizational chart programs
or web pages that can help you.
• Describe this organizational chart in a way that
answers these questions:
1. How does this organizational chart reflect a hierarchy or a network/web
structure and how does that reflect the degree to which the
organization values stability versus change, and certainty versus
2. What style of leadership do you think is promoted within this type of
3. Is this an organizational structure in which you would feel comfortable?
Notes on Grading:
Your grade will depend upon how clearly you design the organizational
chart and how you use concepts in class.
• Make sure your organizational chart clearly shows roles or titles. If you
take this from one that you know, you can also use names.
• Draw lines clearly to show relationships (with arrows if necessary) and in
your description describe how they might show differences in
power/authority or lines of communication.
• The description should be at least one and a half pages long, double
spaced, 12-point font, etc.


Quiz #2
`Name________________________ Section No. _____________

1. A pollster selected 4 of 7 available people. How many different groups of 4 are possible?

2. Your firm has a contract to make 2000 staff uniforms for a fast –food retailer. The heights of the staff are normally distributed with a mean of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. What percentage of uniforms will have to fit staff shorter than 67inches? What percentage will have to be suitable for staff taller than 76 inches.?

a) 16% & 2.5%
b) 68% & 95%
c) 32% & 5%

3. The industry standards suggest that 20% of new vehicles require warranty service within the first year. A dealer sold 20 Nissans yesterday. Use equation for Binomial Probability for part a) and Table II for part b) & c). Show work!
a) What is the probability that none of these vehicles requires warranty service? Use the Binomial equation for P(X=0).
b) What is the probability that exactly one of these vehicles requires warranty service?
c) Determine the probability 3 or more of these vehicles require warranty service.
d) Compute the mean and std. dev. of this probability distribution.

4. Allen & Associates write weekend trip insurance at a very nominal charge. Records show that the probability a motorist will have an accident during the weekend and will file a claim is quite small (.0005). Suppose Alden wrote 400 policies for the forthcoming weekend. Compute the probability that exactly two claims will be filed using the equation
for Poisson Probability.

Note: The symbol ? is the mean (expected value) which we used as µ = np. So ? is nothing more than the mean number of occurrences (successes = np) in a particular interval.

Get the probability that the number of claims is at least 3 from Poisson Tables.

5. Given a standard normal distribution, determine the following. Show Table Values used in each part.
a) P(Z<1.4)
b) P(Z>1.4)
c) P(Z< -1.4)
d) P( – 0.50<Z<1.0)
e) P(0.50<Z<1.5)

6. A company is considering offering child care for their employees. They wish to estimate the mean weekly child-care cost of their employees. A sample of 10 employees reveals the following amounts spent last week in dollars.

101 97 93 103 100 93 99 90 102 96

Develop a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. Interpret the result.
=??, S=??, =??, Range of = (??) xt2/??

7. The National Safety Council reported that 56 % of American turnpike drivers are men. A sample of 256 cars traveling southbound on the New Jersey Turnpike yesterday revealed that 165 were driven by men. At the .01 significance level, can we conclude that a larger proportion of men were driving on the New Jersey Turnpike than the national statistics indicate? First, state H0 & Ha
HO: ??, Ha: ??
a) Is this a Z or t test?
b) Test Statistic = ?
c) Critical value = ?
d) p-value = ?
e) Reject Ho: (yes or no)

8. Given the hypothesis: H0: µ=18 & Ha: µ<18, a random sample of five resulted in the following values: 17, 18, 20, 16, & 15. Using the .01 significance level, can we conclude the population mean is less than 18?
a) Is this a Z or t test?
b) Test statistic = ?
c) Critical value = ?
d) Reject Ho: (yes or no)

Define the five types of channel power.
Provide an example of each type of channel power.
Summarize a situation in which each type of power is used.
Explain the relationship between coercive and reward power. Provide an example.
Interpret the relationship between reward power and referent, expert and legitimate power. Provide an example of each.
Refer to the scoring guide for this assignment to ensure that you have met the grading criteria.
Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Write in a professional manner using APA style and formatting with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Resources: At least 1–3 scholarly references should be provided. A reference list and citations are to be formatted according to APA style and formatting.
Length of paper: Write 2–3 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point or Arial, 10-point font.

Week Eight: Final Assignment Draft Outline and Brainstorming Ideas
Track B: Comic Book – Mini Comic Book Final Assignment

Note: Remember this is a rough draft series of ideas so rough ideas are fine, and feel free to put as much detail as you want for your ideas. I will use this as a basic starting point to give you more direction in focusing your ideas.

1. What are your central “theme” ideas from Section One?
List out 1 to 3 central “theme” ideas here, again remember this is a draft version so rough ideas are fine.
2. What are your TWO Course Content Topic Areas?
Pick out at least two Course Content Topic Areas, again remember this is a draft version so it is okay not to know exactly what areas you want to use and you can rough out more than two at this time.

3. What would be a possible “take-home” message for your comic book (as in what do you want the readers to take out of your comic book after they finish visiting it)?
If you were going to tell the story behind this take-home message in a sentence or two, how would you tell it?

4. What type of comic book format will you be working with? Online digital, hand drawn, computer software, other?
Why are you going to use this specific format (think about how they will fit into your comic book narrative AND comic book design)?

5. Other ideas?

TED Website (Required Readings):

1.Write down the word name fro the decimal number.

(a) 509.024? (b)11.101?

3. Add, subtract, multiply,or divide. Remember order of operations!

(d) [2.1 plus (2.5 divided by1.6)] minus 5 times zero-point one to thefourth power?

4. What is the unit cost for Windex Glass Cleaner valued at $4.39 for 32 oz? Round to the nearest cent? show order of operation?

6. Write as a simplified ratio in two ways: 30 seconds

(a)By converting 30 seconds to minutes. (b) By converting 1 and half minutes to seconds


1) Find a map that has something to do with Asia

2) Explain what this map shows. What are we looking at?

3) What aspect of international politics/relations does this map show? Why does this map matter?

**Make sure to include a link or picture of your map somewhere for me to use.

The paper should be at least 2-3 pages double spaced (not including the map)

you can talk about the conflit in Tajikistani or Kazakhstan before it was with Sovit Union

3 pages

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be around a minimum of (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of (2) single-spaced pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.
Complete the task described in review questions 7.4 – 7.7 on pages 299-301 of your textbook. Make sure you read through and follow the instructions preceding the actual questions. (The instructions begin in red on page 299.) This assignment consists of handing in four (4) complete CREATE TABLE statements.
Be sure to include your name, student number, address, the name of this course (K11 Database Processing), and the name of the project (“Lesson 7”) on each page you submit. If we cannot identify your work, we cannot give you credit.
IMPORTANT: This project is required. You must complete this project. Please send this project to the school for grading.
Assignment Information:
For this set of Review Questions, we will create and use a database for the Review Wedgewood Pacific Corporation (WPC). Founded in 1957 in Seattle, Washington, WPC has grown into an internationally recognized organization. The company is located in two buildings. Once building houses the Administration, Accounting, Finance, and Human Resources department, and the second houses the Production, Marketing, and Information Systems departments. The company database contains data about employees; departments; projects; assets, such as computer equipment; and other aspects of company operations.
The database will be named WPC and will contain the following four tables:

DEPARTMENT (DepartmentName, BudgetCode, OfficeNumber, Phone)
EMPLOYEE (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Department, Phone, Email)
PROJECT (ProjectID, Name, Department, MaxHours, StartDate, EndDate)
ASSIGNMENT (ProjectID, EmployeeNumber, HoursWorked)

EmployeeNumber is a surrogate key that starts at 1 and increments by
1. ProjectlD is a surrogate key that starts at 1000 and increases by 100. DepartmentName is the text name of the department, and is therefore not a surrogate key.
The WPC database has the following referential integrity constraints:

Department in EMPLOYEE must exist in Department in DEPARTMENT
Department in PROJECT must exist in Department in DEPARTMENT
ProjectID in ASSIGNMENT must exist in ProjectID in PROJECT
EmployeeNumber is ASSIGNMENT must exist in EmployeeNumber in EMPLOYEE
The relationship from EMPLOYEE to ASSIGNMENT is 1:N, M-0 and the relationship from PROJECT to ASSIGNMENT is 1:N, M-0.
The database also has the following business rules:

• If an EMPLOYEE row is to be deleted and that row is connected to any ASSIGNMENT, the EMPLOYEE row deletion will be disallowed.
• If a PROJECT row is deleted, then all the ASSIGNMENT rows that are connected to the deleted PROJECT row will also be deleted.
The business sense of these rules is as follows:
• If an EMPLOYEE row is deleted (e.g., if the employee is transferred), then someone must take over that employee’s assignments. Thus, the application needs someone to reassign assignments before deleting the employee row.
• If a PROJECT row is deleted, then the project has been canceled, and it is unnecessary to maintain records of assignments to that project.
If at all possible, you should run your SQL solutions to the following questions against an actual database. Because we have already created this database in Microsoft Access, you should use an SQL-oriented DBMS such as Oracle Database 11g, SQL Server 2008 R2, or MySQL 5.5 in these exercises. If that is not possible, create a new Microsoft Access database named WPC-CH07.accdb, and use the SQL capabilities in these exercises. In all the exercises, use the data types appropriate for the DBMS you are using. Answer Questions 4-7 without running them on your DBMS.
Project Questions 4-7
4. Write a CREATE TABLE statement for the DEPARTMENT table.
5. Write a CREATE TABLE statement for the EMPLOYEE table. Email is required and is an alternate key, and the default value of Department is Human Resources. Cascade updates but not deletions from DEPARTMENT to EMPLOYEE.
6. Write a CREATE TABLE statement for PROJECT table. The default value for MaxHours is 100. Cascade updates but not deletions from DEPARTMENT to EMPLOYEE.
7. Write a CREATE TABLE statement for the ASSIGNMENT table. Cascade only deletions from PROJECT to ASSIGNMENT; do not cascade either deletions or updates from EMPLOYEE to ASSIGNMENT.

ENGR 3300: Fluid Mechanics, Fall 2015
Final Project
Due: Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015 (5 pm)
This project may be completed with one other person. One report should be submitted via
Blackboard by the due date indicated above (no extensions will be given).
Project Objective: The goals of this project are to
(1) Perform a CFD analysis of fluid flow through or past a simple object for which there
is an analytical solution. A mesh convergence study should be performed to confirm
that the results are not mesh dependent.
(2) Perform a parametric study in which one parameter is varied (e.g. fluid viscosity, pipe
diameter, etc.) and analyze its effect on the fluid flow. At least 3 different variations
of the parameter must be studied.
(3) Verify the CFD results by calculating the expected results using equations learned in
class (i.e. analytical solution).
(4) For extra credit (up to 5 points), modify your simple object into a real-world object,
and analyze the fluid flow for a specific real-world problem. Clearly state the goal of
the analysis.
Project Proposal: Due by the start of class on Friday, Nov. 20th (10 points toward homework
• Submit via Blackboard
• In a few sentences, describe your proposed parametric study: (1) What type of flow
will be modeled (internal, external, geometry of the problem)? (2) What parameter
will be varied in the parametric study? (3) What flow condition (velocity, pressure,
etc.) will be analyzed?
• If you plan to do the extra credit, describe the flow problem that you plan to analyze,
and the goal of your CFD analysis.
Report Criteria: The report should include the following sections:
I. Title Page (5 points)
a. Group members names
b. Descriptive title
c. Appealing image of one of the simulation screen captures
II. Introduction (10 points)
a. Describe the objective of the study and how it can be applied to better understand
a real-world problem
III. Methods (10 points)
a. Drawing of model(s) with dimensions
b. List the initial conditions, boundary conditions, and any other important
c. Describe the mesh convergence study (i.e. number of cells used in each analysis)
d. Describe the parametric study (i.e. state which parameter was varied and by how
much, which flow condition was measured, etc.)
e. (Extra credit) Describe the model, flow conditions, analysis method of the realworld
IV. Results (10 points)
a. Plot showing the results of the mesh convergence study
b. Plots/graphs showing the results of the parametric study. The changes in at least
one flow condition (e.g. velocity, pressure, etc.) must be quantified.
c. Verification of results. Work out the analytical solution to your flow problem
(making any necessary simplifications to achieve an exact solution) and compare
the results to the simulation results. Do this for all variations in the parametric
study. All equations used to derive the analytical solution must be explained in
the report.
d. (Extra credit) Represent the results of the real-world problem in figures or tables.
Animated movies may also be created and submitted as separate files. These
movies should be described in the report.
V. Discussion (10 points)
a. Discuss the results of the mesh convergence study and the expected accuracy of
your results. Also, comment on the computational time of the CFD simulations.
b. Discuss what was learned from the parametric study
c. Discuss any differences between the analytical solution and the simulation results
d. (Extra credit) Discuss the significance of the results of the simulated real-world
VI. Conclusion (5 points)
a. Summarize the main results of the study
There is no required length for the report, but all report criteria described above must be
included. All figures should be properly labeled and include a descriptive caption (2 -5
sentences). Any references used in the study must be cited using a standard reference style.
Should Chung proceed with the Acne Dressing project?
3M Taiwan: Product innovation in the subsidiary 1 What are the current problems or challenges faced by Chung?- 2 Should Chung proceed with the Acne Dressing project?- 3 What options does Chung have regarding the launch of Acne Dressing?

Arguementative essay

Write a 750-word argumentation/persuasion essay. Follow the guidelines:

Each essay will:
Begin with an outline in MLA format
Be equally double-spaced with 1″ margins (do not use the default margins, as the side margins are often set to 1.5 inches)
Use Times New Roman 12-point font or Courier New 11-point
Be left justified
Include headers (note the difference in the outline header and the first page header)
On a separate page at the beginning of all of your essays (but as part of the same file), you will list the Thesis sentence (one complete simple or complex sentence that appears in your essay’s intro and is the controlling idea for the essay) AND your MLA-formatted Outline.
On a separate page at the end of your essays (but as part of the same file), you will include the list of Works Cited in proper MLA format when required (the argumentative essay). Sources will only be accepted when requested in the assignment. The research paper will list the appropriate number of critical sources, as well as the text you are researching.

Writing Approach

The introduction and thesis need to state the issue being discussed and your formal position on the issue (remember, no personal pronouns! This essay presents evidence for your position in third person). Narrow your thesis down to show your purpose in presenting the argument: Why are you arguing about this issue and what do you want your readers to do about it?
Generate strong support for the thesis. Prewriting is a must is this case; research is unavoidable. You will need a good deal of information to support your point in a unified, adequate, and specific manner. Document your sources correctly by copying down all appropriate information (author, title, volume, page numbers, exact quotes, publisher, etc.). Plagiarism is inexcusable in this class.
Organize the supporting evidence into a minimum of three points for body paragraphs. You might need to include some description, to show cause and effect, or to explain a process as part of your argument. In any case, arrange the details effectively to convince your reader. For some writers, this means leaving your strongest point to the final body paragraph and following it with a strong conclusion.
You may briefly acknowledge and refute the opposition in order to strengthen a particular point in your argument. This shows the reader that you are not a fanatic, and that you have considered both sides. This does not mean you will be presenting both sides throughout the essay; this simply means that in one body paragraph where you are discussing a specific point of support for your topic, you may be able to mention the opposition to your point AND tell why the opposition falls short in its thinking process on that point.
Establish a solution in your conclusion. Simply arguing a point is not enough. Remember the “so what” aspect. So, what is your reader supposed to do with this information?
Writing Assignment

Pt. I: Post a 2 ½-page draft (about 750 words, excluding the articles “the,” “a,” and “an”) for an argumentative paper, as explained in the reading assignments (paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotes are not included in your word count). Follow the format requirements for MLA as listed in the Syllabus and in your St. Martin’s Handbook. An outline must precede the essay. Remember that this paper must contain three sources that you cite in the paper (no more than two sources may be internet sources). List them in proper MLA format at the end of the paper after the centered heading, “Works Cited.” For this essay and the remaining essays, you must write in the third person. Save your draft of the Argumentative Essay (including the outline and Works Cited page) in one complete file named “yourlastnameArgueDraft” and post it to your Group Discussion Board using the instructions at the end of this lesson.

Pt. II: Complete a peer review and post it using the instructions provided at the end of Lesson 3.

Pt. III: Once you have received feedback from me, you will revise this draft and submit it to the SafeAssignment link by the deadline given in the Course Calendar; it is not necessary to have received a peer review before revising your essay. Save your final draft of the Argumentative Essay (including the outline) in one complete file labeled “yourlastnameArgueFin”.

Banned topics: Religion, euthanasia (mercy killing/assisted suicide), death penalty, drug testing on animals, homelessness, porn on the internet, hiring quotas, global warming, poverty, abortion, legalizing drugs, birth control for teenagers, prayer in schools, gun control, cloning, changing the drinking age, dress codes, school uniforms, smoking in public places, changing the speed limit, curfews for teenagers, single-parent adoption, legalizing prostitution, censoring music/videos, gay/lesbian adoptions, women in the Army, random drug testing in the workplace, breastfeeding vs. formula, Ritalin use in children, corporal punishment (spanking) and any others not approved by the instructor. Use this rule of thumb when deciding on a topic: if it’s a fairly common topic like those listed above are, discard it and come up with something original, something that affects you in a more local way. The above topics are certainly argumentative ones, but they are overdone and require little in the way of originality.

Topics: Argumentative/Persuasive topics are listed at the end of the chapter under Additional Writing Topics. Even though many of the topics above are listed in your reader, you may NOT use them in this assignment for a variety of reasons, the largest of which is their overuse in English 1301 classes. Be creative! Think about something that interests you, affects you, bothers you, etc.
While you must be able to find some sort of relevant research for your topic, the topic does not have to be earth-shattering, just controversial. For instance,

are you tired of getting junk mail? You might be against corporations selling your personal information for use in advertising/mail solicitation;
are you concerned that the United States is becoming too segmented? You might argue that English should be the national language;
are you a reliable part-time employee who has to lose money in order to take time off with your family? You might argue part-time workers should be granted a week’s paid vacation after a year of employment;
are you tired of trying on clothes at different stores in the same size that fit completely differently or buying children’s clothes that are sized for your infant/toddler/young adult that in no way meet the label’s size suggestion? You might argue all clothing labels should abide by a standard sizing requirement;
are you worried that people like Paris Hilton are becoming role models for young people? You might argue that children today are “given” too much and need to learn the value of a dollar; or
are you tired of seeing your neighborhood children mope around all summer with nothing to do? You might argue that your community needs a playground, pool or youth center.
These are just examples of argumentative topics that have value and relevancy. You may choose any one of these if you wish as additional topics for selection. You are not required to use any of these topics; they are simply provided as a way to show you how your life can be a good place to start brainstorming for topics.


1. Brainstorm for topics. Submit your chosen topic for approval via Messages.

2. Choose one topic, choose a method of development, and organize all details accordingly. Create an outline BEFORE writing the paper; remember that an outline is due with each essay.

3. Research for appropriate evidence to support your argument. While you are researching, be sure to note all information necessary to filling out your Works Cited page for that entry. Remember that no more than 2 out of the 3 required sources can come from the internet. Try using CTC’s online databases (accessed on your portal page) for appropriate resources; sites like Wikipedia.com should be avoided for their lack of reliability.

4. Don’t forget your So-What Conclusion and your Works Cited page in MLA format. The Works Cited page uses the hanging indent function (consult the help index on your computer’s word processing program); applies all the same spacing and header requirements as regular text pages; lists in alphabetical order by author’s last name (or first important word in the title if there is no author); arranges all information according to what specific kind of source is used; and is used to create the in-text parenthetical references that help to identify which quote or paraphrase comes from which source. For instance, if your Works Cited page lists a book by John Smith and you quote or paraphrase from page 4 of that book in your text, the parentheses that follow that quote or paraphrase will probably look like this: (Smith 4). Diana Hacker’s website, http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch04_o.html , is a great place to go for information and for another sample of MLA format for the WC page and in-text citations.

5. Go to Course Schedule for time lines. Submit your draft and final essay according to the schedule provided.

Feedback will be given on your rough draft. As with every essay for this course, I do not mark every single error and comment on every minute detail of the essay; that is the job of a proofreader. As your instructor, I will provide you with some specific notations and some general comments that you will need to apply in order to make your own choices in revision.

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