Rhythm and the Body
Order Description
Select one of these two videos:
Video 1: Yo-Yo Ma and Lil Buck
Describe the dance movements and their relationship to the music
Evaluate the value of both dancer and cellist
Comment on the symbiotic connection between the cellist and the dancer.
[The music is “The Swan,” from Carnival of the Animals by the French 19th century composer Camille Saint-Saens].
Video 2: Lil Buck at TEDxTeen 2014
Describe the dance movements and their relationship to the music
Evaluate the dancer and his accuracy in embodying the music
Comment on the symbiotic connection between the music and the dancer.
Fitst video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9jghLeYufQ
Second video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thnbYi9xoME

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