Rhetoric Situation and Context

Rhetoric Situation and Context

Outline of Rhetoric Situation and Context
1.    Subject
A.    How the management can change a dysfunctional organization culture
2.    The Purpose
A.    The exigence or issue
i.    The dysfunctional organizational culture
B.    To highlight the capacity of the management to change organizational culture
3.    The audience
A.    The employees of the organization defined by dysfunctional organizational culture
I.    The employees promoting the dysfunctional organization culture
4.    The constraints
A.    The management of the organization with the power to change the culture

A Description of Criteria Used to Determine Credibility
In evaluating the credibility of a source used for a research purpose, the following evaluation criteria are crucial. The criteria entail the reliability of the source, the purpose of the source, the credibility of the author, the capacity to verify the source and the objectivity of the source.
The reliability of the source while evaluating its credibility entails the ability of the source to present factual information that can be dependable for the study.     The second criterion that is the purpose of the source entails the intended use designed by the author for the source. The credibility of the author entails history, field of specialization and experience of the author in the line and field of the material written. The capacity to verify the source entails the material on the source to stand up for scrutiny to substantiate the allegations made by the author. The objectivity of the source entails the aptitude of the author to avoid biases and remain neutral in the work.
How the Criteria Relates to the Subject Area
The reliability of the source relates to the subject area because it will confirm the capacity of the research to be consistency and trustworthy by other researchers. Secondly, the purpose of the source relates to the subject area through ensuring that the information obtained will be relevant to the subject area. The credibility of the author criterion will ensure that the research study is premised on sources from influential and recognized authors. The capacity to verify the will make sure that the research study is a reflection of a study that can stand up to scrutiny by other scholars in the field. Lastly, the objectivity criterion will guarantee that the research study is founded on objectivity without a reflection of any biases.
Credibility Evaluation of the Three Sources
Journal Article Published in Harvard Business Review in 2010
The journal article meets the criteria of source credibility. The journal stands up to scrutiny because it is a peer reviewed source subjected to other scholars for review. The purpose of the journal article by Michael Watkins was to highlight mainly the role and importance of the organizational culture. The reliability and objectivity of the journal are apparent from the journal being accepted to be published by society of Harvard Business Review that evaluates the reliability and objectivity of a source before publication.

An Online Source Published Written by Victoria Public Commission
The online source is a business blog. The credibility of the online source is questionable. In terms of the reliability of the online source, it is apparent that it has no clear author. The purpose of the source is to highlight the essential steps to undertake when the organizational culture is dysfunctional. The objectivity of the online source is not confirmed as scholars in the field have not reviewed the source. Lastly, the online source cannot stand up to scrutiny because the credibility of the publisher is on the question.
The Magazine Article Published in HR Magazine
The credibility of the article can be partially ascertained. To start with, the article is reliable because it is published by a recognized magazine company. Subsequently, the intended purpose of the article is to confirm the steps to change organizational culture. However, the verifiability and objectivity of the source is questionable because it is not peer-reviewed despite being published by experts in the field.
The selected three sentences are
1)    Changing a culture requires a new model of involvement and engagement (Watkins, 2015). (The sentence is from the journal article)
2)    Nonetheless, corporate culture often doesn’t get the attention executives suggest it deserves (Victoria Public Commission, 2015). (The sentence is from the online source)
3)    Cultural dysfunction is commonly caused by a misalignment of value sets, and manifests as conflict, disengagement and distrust (Cook, 2014). (The sentence is from the magazine article)

The selection of the three sentences was premised on their capability to highlight the different parts of the sentences necessary to facilitate comparative rhetorical analysis.
Analysis or Rhetorical Situations and Contexts for each Sentence
Sentence 1
1)    The Subject
a)    The organizational changing culture
2)    The purpose
a)    Exigence or issue
i.    The need of changing the organizational culture
3)    The audience
a)    The employees
4)    The constraints
a)    The management
Sentence 2
1)    The Subject
a)    Corporate culture
2)    The purpose
a)    Exigence or issue
i.    The lack of corporate culture to receive deserved attention from management or executive.
3)    The audience
a)    The management

4)    The constraint
a)    The corporate executives

Sentence 3
1)    The Subject
a)    The cultural dysfunction
2)    The Purpose
a)    Exigence or issue
i.    The cause of the corporate cultural dysfunction
3)    The audience
a)    The employees of the company defined by cultural dysfunction
b)    The management of the company with the cultural dysfunction
4)    The constraints
a)    The management or leadership of the company
Rhetorical Devices and Strategies Used
The rhetorical devices and strategies used by the author in the first sentence are antithesis and metanoia. Antithesis is a strategy that fashions a connection between two things. It is noticeable that changing organization culture is dependent on need to use the model of engagement and involvement. Metanoia is a strategy that qualifies or corrects a statement. The author of the sentence qualifies the subject by acknowledging that the new model of engagement will be decisive to address the issue.
The rhetorical devices apparent in the second sentence are enumeratio and metanoia. Enumeratio is a rhetorical device that presents a point with details. The presence of enumeratio is conspicuous in the sentence through the author acknowledging that corporate culture rarely receives the necessary attention from the executives of the organization. The second rhetorical device metanoia is perceptible from the sentence by the author qualifying the allegation that the corporate culture has never conferred the deserved attention in the company.
The rhetorical devices used in the third sentence are description and amplification. Description is a strategic device that entails providing details of the subject in a sentence. The device is apparent in the sentence through the author conferring details of what causes cultural dysfunction. Amplification is the expansion of details of a subject to clarify the meaning. The sentence is amplified through the author conferring the causes of cultural dysfunction.
Comparison of the Devices and Strategies Used
The devices and strategies utilized in the three sentences are antithesis, metanoia, enumeratio, description, and amplification. The common device in two of the three sentences is metanoia. The strategy is used to qualify the subjects of the two sentences. The two rhetorical devices in the first sentence are used to connect two things in the sentences and qualify the subject as compared to the second sentence. In the second sentence the devices are used to connect issues and presents details about a subject. The rhetorical devices in the second sentence are used to connect and give details of the subject as compared to the third sentence where the devices are used to expand and describe the details of the issue in the sentence.

Cook, M. (2014, June 16). 10 tips for changing organizational culture. HR Magazine.    Retrieved from http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/10-tips-for-    changing-organizational-culture
Watkins, M. (2015). What is organizational culture? And why should we care? Harvard     Business Review 2, 124-126.
Victoria Public Commission. (2015, March 14). What to do when an organization’s culture is     dysfunctional. Retrieved from http://vpsc.vic.gov.au/html-resources/organisational-    culture/what-to-do-when-an-organisations-culture-is-dysfunctional/

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