Research report
1- replace city council to Melbourne council , Melbourne as an example
2-add example of how the problem has been addressed in other country for each finding, and these should be reflected in the recommendations
3- add one graph or chart for one of the finding
4-report format: follow the attachment
5-Abstract: follow the attachment as well

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Background Information
Urban environmental management ranges from physical, psychological and also has health dimensions (UNEP 2011). There is a new approach demanded by the government. Of great interest in this policy is creating a paradigm shift for the council on environmental management which has been necessitated by the influx of people due to rural-urban migration and rapid urbanization of small towns. (Leitmann 2009) posit that increasing population poses a threat and opportunity thus demanding a re-engineering to cope with the change.
Aim of the Report
The City Council has observed a very high influx of people migrating from rural areas into the city in search of better livelihood and access to better social amenities. The city has also been receiving expatriates due to globalization. This has resulted to strain on the existing resources such that the council has not been able to cope. The strain has forced the government to force the city council to formulate policies that address environmental issues. Specifically, the policy needs to stipulate and give direction on the following three key areas: achieving a clean and green environment, air pollution and water pollution. This report is aimed at informing the City Council on various initiatives that should be implemented to make local residents be more environmental friendly.

This study was carried out in the city’s Central Business District (CBD) and major areas of residence which have received a lot of immigrants. Due to time limitations, this study employed descriptive survey where stratified sampling was used in data collection. The information generated from the data analyzed was categorized as follows.
Clean/Green Environment
Findings indicated that there has been swelling garbage in the CBD and other areas of residence and that the city council garbage collection system has failed due to the high rate of garbage production. The sewer systems have been noted to be deficient in accommodating the waste while litter and polythene papers have spread throughout the city (Leitmann 2009). Most of the residents have been found to be using environmental unfriendly products.
Air pollution
Finding shows that there is a number of factors contributing to air pollution in the city. Some of the factors include the purchasing of inefficient cars that emit harmful gases in the atmosphere. Car engines are run by fuel which must undergo complete combustion in order to make sure that harmful fumes are not generated into the atmosphere. Inefficient car engines have incomplete combustion of fuels. Ultimately, this leads to air pollution (UNEP 2011).

Water pollution
Findings revealed that there is a big concern about water pollution because of various disposition behaviors being adopted by people. Human activity is the major cause of water pollution. People have poor and hazardous methods of disposing chemicals or cleaning agents being used in the household and other substances such as medication and drugs, wrappers, dust, clothes and other harmful products. All these products spill harmful chemicals which mix with water hence water pollution (Havlick, 2009).
Clean/ Green Environment
The city is in dilapidated condition and the general environment is threatening, from the CBD to the areas of residence.
Air pollution
The general rate of air pollution in the city is wanting and also continues to surge due to spillages from harmful chemicals from the high number of inefficient and under-maintained cars.
Water pollution
There is poor management of sewerages and drainage of the contaminated water in the city. Some of the contaminated water is being directed into the clean sources of water hence water pollution.

Clean/ Green Environment
General awareness mobilization/campaigns of the health hazards needs to be done. The city council should make it easier for city dwellers to dispose their waste in a more efficient and convenient way. For example, a research carried out in Sweden showed that there is less dumping in the country after the relevant authorities stipulated that recycling stations should be at most 300 meters from residential areas so that residents can drop the garbage at the stations more conveniently.
Air pollution
There is the need for the city council to come up with strategies to reduce the volume of gas emissions that contribute to air pollution by cars. For example, in Sweden, vehicles that are two years or older are required to be turned in for inspection every year by the Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company.
Water pollution
The city council should propose strategies to the relevant law-making authorities to pass legislation that discourages water pollution. For example in Sweden, the Public Water Areas Boundaries Act sets out the laws regarding the pollution of water sources.

DoyleM. W., & Havlick, D.G. (2009), Infrastructure & Environment, Annual Review of
Environment & Resources, Vol 34, 349-373
Kaaviele, E, T. (2010), Integrating Environment Issues into Urban Planning & Management
Leitmann J. (2009), Sustaining Cities: Environmental Planning and Management in Urban
Design, McGraw Hill Publishers, New York
UNEP, (2011), Integrating the Environment in Urban Strategic Planning, 6th Annual Brussels
Climate change Conference

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