check the file
and please follow the APA style rules for references . Font style, font size, etc
Al-Jadidi, H.S. (2009). Teaching English as a foreign language in Oman: An exploration of English language teaching pedagogy in tertiary education (Doctoral dissertation). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Aqel, F. (2006). Using the mother tongue ( Arabic language) in EFL, Journal
of Educational Sciences, 9. University of Qatar.
Jadallah, M., & Hasan, F. (2011). A review of some new trends in using L1 in the EFL classroom. First Nation Conference [online]. Al Quds Open University 2011.
Li, Y. & Wang, L. (2010). A survey of bilingual teaching in higher education institute in Northeast China, Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 1(4), 353-357.
Rossell, C. & Baker, K. (1996). The educational effectiveness of bilingual education, Research in the Teaching of English, 30(1), 7-74.
Yushau, B. &Bokhari, M.A. (2005). Language and mathematics: A mediational approach to bilingual Arabs, International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning, April, 1-18.
Laboratory 3-Preparing the references list
Prepare a references list using the following six references.
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