Reality Therapy Learning Packet

Please produce a 4 page learning packet with an emphasis on Counseling for the following theoretical approach (Chapter 11 Reality Therapy). This Reality Therapy Learning Packet needs to include well organized critical content for ALL items listed below: A – G.  . Please reproduce the format and all of the headers that the example packet contains, BUT with the appropriate content/material that can only be found in the reading of Chapter 11 Reality Therapy. Chapter 11 (Reality Therapy) can be found and read on my CHEGG ebook account.
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Book Title: Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Reality Therapy Learning Packet needs to incorporate the following headers: ?
A) Theoretical Approach ?
B) Key Founders/main figures of the approach ?
C) a list of Main Concepts ?
�D) Theraputic Goals

E) a Case Study to illustrate how the theory is applied in a counseling session ?
F) a Critique of the approach ?
�G) all Key Terms and definitions


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