Randomized Control Trial  Cohort Study  

Choose 2 research methods from the below: Randomized Control Trial  Cohort Study  Case-Control Study  Cross-Sectional
choose two articles to write about.

 The articles should be related to population health and infectious disease, chronic health, occupational health, global health, genomics, or environmental health:
and these are the questions needed to be answered:
Does the study design specify a question, goal, of the study? Why is this important?  Explain the methodology (Randomized Control Trial, Cohort Study, Case-Control Study). Describe the participant information, include recruitment. Is selection bias present?  How is data collected?  Are the variables identified? If yes, discuss. If no, how does this impact your interpretation of the study?  How was the data analyzed, what statistics are provided? What are potential errors related to the study design?  What are the weaknesses of the type of study design/method?  Discuss the outcomes and the implications for implementation.

randomized control trial cohort study


 The articles should be related to population health and infectious disease, chronic health, occupational health, global health, genomics, or environmental health:
and these are the questions needed to be answered:
Does the study design specify a question, goal, of the study? Why is this important?  Explain the methodology (Randomized Control Trial, Cohort Study, Case-Control Study). Describe the participant information, include recruitment. Is selection bias present?  How is data collected?  Are the variables identified? If yes, discuss. If no, how does this impact your interpretation of the study?  How was the data analyzed, what statistics are provided? What are potential errors related to the study design?  What are the weaknesses of the type of study design/method?  Discuss the outcomes and the implications for implementation.

randomized control trial cohort study





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