PSY Article Critique


Articles are written to inform, misinform, influence, or misdirect, among other reasons. Sometimes they serve as nothing more than a vehicle for an author to achieve fame, notoriety, and wealth. You should never take at face value the elements of any article you read, but you should be able to:


  • Differentiate between fact and opinion
  • Recognize and evaluate author bias and rhetoric
  • Determine cause-and-effect relationships
  • Determine accuracy and completeness of information presented
  • Recognize logical fallacies and faulty reasoning
  • Compare and contrast information and points of view
  • Develop inferential skills
  • Make judgments and draw logical conclusions


When writing an article critique, you will need to summarize, evaluate, and offer critical comment on the ideas and information that the author(s) presents in the article.

In your paper, cite any and all information taken from the article or any other references used. Your goal should be to read and understand the article, analyze the findings or arguments, and evaluate and comment on the article.


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Remember to include and cite the provided article in the critique paper as well!

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