Property law

Property law

“Overriding interests are […] not intended to be a general safety net for a right holder who fails to register but a necessary evil in a system of title by registration whose main concern is transactional certainty.” (Martin Dixon and Gerwynn LL H Griffiths (eds) Contemporary Perspectives on Property, Equity and Trusts Law (OUP 2007), at page 21).
Discuss the extent to which this view of the registered title system is reflected in the present law.

Word Length: Maximum 2,000 words.
Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy. The ability to write within the word limit is part of the assessment; therefore a penalty of 10% of the mark is applied if word limit exceeded by 10% or more, or is below a set minimum by more than 10%.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying land law,
2) Critically analyse the principles of land law and relevant case law as applied in practice.
3) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of proposals for reform (where applicable).

You should include a bibliography. You should footnote your work.

Property law

Property law Assignment

“Overriding interests are […] not intended to be a general safety net for a right holder who fails to register but a necessary evil in a system of title by registration whose main concern is transactional certainty.” (Martin Dixon and Gerwynn LL H Griffiths (eds) Contemporary Perspectives on Property, Equity and Trusts Law (OUP 2007), at page 21).
Discuss the extent to which this view of the registered title system is reflected in the present law.

Word Length: Maximum 2,000 words.
Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy. The ability to write within the word limit is part of the assessment; therefore a penalty of 10% of the mark is applied if word limit exceeded by 10% or more, or is below a set minimum by more than 10%.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying land law,
2) Critically analyse the principles of land law and relevant case law as applied in practice.
3) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of proposals for reform (where applicable).

You should include a bibliography. You should footnote your work.

Property law

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