Subject – Print Advertising Project (advertising development) : 3000-4000 words as research paper and creation of innovative print ad , how has print advertising changes in ICT age ?
what are the different techniques and forms ,analysis of ad content in different media ,creation of own ad and analysis analyze ,write and produce print ad media content :analyze print advertising and create a print ad of our choice , based on common new media factors such as the world wide web ,ethics, computer software and technical skills and in compliance with communication standard . Articles should include with relevant research introduction : print advertisement in general our innovative the research paper should include argument and discussion about it with our own opinion idea of ads (creative ads need to be create ) text : print advertising in past and present different techniques ,forms , analyze (our opinion )(thesis ) creation of our own ads (should be creative & innovative ) analyze it internet , ethics , computer software , techniques conclusion i’m requesting to talk to the writer after we agree about the topic and the idea of the creative ads ,5 sources references is required (APL) , I want to receive official Plagiarism report
Subject – Print Advertising Project (advertising development) : 3000-4000 words as research paper and creation of innovative print ad , how has print advertising changes in ICT age ? what are the different techniques and forms ,analysis of ad content in different media ,creation of own ad and analysis analyze ,write and produce print ad media content :analyze print advertising and create a print ad of our choice , based on common new media factors such as the world wide web ,ethics, computer software and technical skills and in compliance with communication standard . Articles should include with relevant research introduction : print advertisement in general our innovative the research paper should include argument and discussion about it with our own opinion idea of ads (creative ads need to be create ) text : print advertising in past and present different techniques ,forms , analyze (our opinion )(thesis ) creation of our own ads (should be creative & innovative ) analyze it internet , ethics , computer software , techniques conclusion i’m requesting to talk to the writer after we agree about the topic and the idea of the creative ads ,5 sources references is required (APL) , I want to receive official Plagiarism report
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