Population Growth and its affect on the Environment Essay Dissertation Help

Your final draft should be well polished, complete, and clearly incorporate the feedback
you received on your first draft from Dr. Knight and your peer reviewers.
Your paper should be about 10 pages long (excluding cover sheet and references), with Times New Roman or Calibri font size 12, one-inch margins, and double-spacing.
You must cite and reference at least three outside academic sources and at least two assigned readings. Use ASA style in-text citations and reference list. For ASA style guidelines see these guides: http://www.asanet.org/documents/teaching/pdfs/Quick_Tips_for_ASA_Style.pdf
and http://lib.trinity.edu/research/citing/ASA_Style_Citations_4.pdf
This paper will be graded on how well it follows these instructions, as well as comprehension, depth, comprehensiveness, clarity, and organization (including grammar and punctuation).
Late submissions will be docked 20 percentage points for each day late.


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