PhD New Proposal Essay Dissertation Help

PhD New Proposal
Order Description
Note: No writer to do this task EXCEPT for Writer whose id is: 423088.
Dear Writer 423088,
Dear Senior Writer, Hello. I’ve placed this order with one of the top ten writers because it is the first step to do my PhD dissertation, hopefully with you as well if
we successfully do this step. In this order I need a proposal for the idea of my PhD as one of the primary requirements to get acceptance for PhD from the US, Canada,
UK or other countries. As you know, I had a previous writer who sent me a proposal that I sent to you as an attachment in order no. 81878519 with you that has been
canceled after we coordinated this with each other and I will reattach the old proposal again here in a file entitled (Proposal 1) along with the feedback from the
different universities to avoid these mistakes in the other file entitled (3 Feedbacks).
I DO need this idea to meet ALL these points: 1- I need an idea for public health that can be expanded to my PhD dissertation. Please remember that you’ve already sent
me two ideas and I confirmed that I need one of them to be my proposal, which is: Childhood Obesity in Saudi Arabia and a Mass Media Campaign by Saudi Government to
Create Awareness among Children and Families”
2- I need this idea to connect the part of public health you will choose with public health in Saudi Arabia. For example, in my master my idea talks about some health
hazards during the annual Hajj and possible ways of management and prevention with the important part of recommendations to the Saudi Ministry of Health, which forced
me to do hundreds of questionnaires as part of my study. 3- As a professional writer and based on this description, you should know that what you will do in this 5-
page order will be the nucleus of our dissertation, so please check the idea you will choose in public health and do your search to connect it with the current status
in Saudi Arabia in a way to improve this side in this country. As you know, you should use long list of tens and tens of references at the end, and most of them or at
least large part of it must be from the reliable sources in Saudi Arabia, like ministry of health, Red Crescent, Saudi hospitals, other Saudi organizations, reliable
studies of articles and official studies.. ect. Now, please meet all the previous points and remember that this order isn’t an isolated one but will be expanded to a
PhD study, so please make sure we have strong and convincing idea because if it is not like that, our idea, as one of the requirements of acceptance, will be rejected
and we will be forced to do revisions many times in just our first step. NOTE: I don’t know how many references we should use or if we should not use any references
since this is just a proposal for my PhD, so I will put one reference with this order because I should put a number of references when placing an order, but please use
or don’t use as needed keeping in mind the nature of this order as a proposal of my study. NOTE: As I’ve mentioned, the idea of my master was about some health hazards
during Hajj and I told you that I need an idea in public health that must be connected to Saudi Arabia. You can consider Hajj as well if you can be distinctive and
creative like the previous writer and in this case I can provide you with my study of master he has done. All the ideas are fine if it is connected to Saudi Arabia.
Let’s concentrate please! NOTE: I chose the field of medicine and health and I don’t know if I did the right choice because there is another choice of healthcare. I’ve
tried to find the field of public health but it is not available Waiting for you! Best regards

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