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Dear writer make sure you read instructions carefully.
Write a short essay of no more than 1500 words. Please note the total word count on the first or last page of the essay. The essay should demonstrate that you have understood and critically
reflected on the ethnographic works listed below.
Please draw primary from 3 of readings listed below and two additional academic anthropological sources of your choosing that are relevant to the questions at hand and that can aid in supporting
your argument.
essay question:
How do notions of personhood shape understandings of illness and treatment? Discuss with reference to at least 3 ethnographic examples from the following list of ethnographic lists works.
• Pollock, D., 1996. Personhood and Illness among the Kulina. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 10(3), pp.319–341.
• Taussig, Michael. l980. ‘Reification and the Consciousness of the Patient’. Social Science & Medicine 14:3-13.
• Connor, Linda. 1982. ‘Ships of fools and vessels of the divine: mental hospitals and madness in Bali’, Social Science and Medicine 16 (7):783-794.
• Jinhua, Guo and Arthur Kleinman. 2011. “Stigma, HIV/AIDS, Mental Illness and China’s Non Persons. In A. Kleinman (ed) Deep China: The Moral Life of the Person. Berkeley, California: University of
California Press.
• Fadiman, Anne. 2012. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong girl, Her American doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures. New York: The Noonday Press. Chapters 3 and 4.
• Scheper-Hughes, N. and Lock, M. 1987. The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly (1)1: 6-41.
AAA referencing style
Type/word process your assignment using font Times 12 or equivalent.
Use double-spacing.
Use A4 size paper,
Provide a 3 cm wide margin on left AND right for marker’s comments.
Proof read your work. Spellcheck programs don’t pick up all the problems – you need to leave yourself time to read through carefully and correct your work, including spelling.
Use italics (or underline) for foreign language words, except those encountered in normal English usage.
Type the essay question in full on the first page of your essay.
Number all pages.

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