Performance Art and Video Art,
Read: Go to this website and read:
Research: Go on-line and find reliable resources, look up:
1. Video Art
2. Performance Art
3. The following “video performance “artists: Nam June Paik, Laurie Anderson Miranda July and William Wegmen.
4. Go to You Tube ( and find 3-4 examples of each of their work
5. Go to YouTube and look at these short interviews: (If the links aren’t active, edit copy/edit paste them into your browser) (watch the short video)
If for some reason, these sites are no longer active, search for new ones.
These artists are very well known and there will be info you can find.
Miranda July is on Facebook- friend her to read her posts.
Part 1: These are four very different artists with very different approaches to video performance art. This will be fun and odd. Write a 1500 word or more, double spaced paper. Include an overview of Video Art and Performance Art (based on your research), discuss each of the artists individually, and discuss their influences. Also describe and analyze one of their pieces and remember to use the elements and principles of design when analyzing the artwork. You will analyze one piece each from Paik, Wegman, Anderson and July. Proofread for logic and content. Remember, this is analysis not editorializing!!! Remember to include your academic references.

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