Pearson BTEC Level 5

Pearson BTEC Level 5
HND Diploma in Business
Project Management for Business

Date for Submission: 7th December 2015 (The submission portal will close at 23:59 HKT)

Remarks: Please note that all assignment must submit through iLearn before the given deadline

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the HND programme you are required to submit an assignment for each module. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

After completing the Project Management for Business module you should be able to:

LO1 Understand project management principles

LO2 Be able to manage a project’s human resources

LO3 Be able to apply project processes and procedures
Assignment Context / Scenario
In order to fulfil the requirements of this module assessment students are encouraged to apply the theories and concepts studied throughout the QCF Project Management for Business module to a real business project that is yet to be undertaken, or which has already been completed.

You are required to plan / review all aspects of the management of the project and to evaluate the project’s success.

Examples of projects that could be used for this assignment are as follows:

Example Project A
The redesign of office space to accommodate new members of staff / new furniture

Example Project B
Implementation of a new computer software package / system – either for use by the whole organisation or by one department.

Example Project C
Construct an extension to an existing building.

These are only examples and you will be able to think of other business projects. Please contact the module tutor for advice if you are unsure of the suitability of your chosen project for this assignment, or if you are struggling to decide on a project to use.

Assignments which are based purely on theory, with little or no application to a real business project, will be deemed to NOT have fulfilled the learning outcomes.
Assignment Task
Please identify ONE business project to use throughout this assignment.
You are required to produce a Project Plan document for the business project that you have selected and your plan should cover the following:

Introduction (Suggested word count 200 words maximum)
A short description of the background of the project, including some basic organisation information, the project title & its main objectives.

Section 1 – Project Management Principles(Suggested word count 500 words maximum)
In this section you should describe the background and principles of project management and explain the principles behind project management systems and procedures. (Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.3)

Section 2 – Project Planning(Suggested word count 1800 words maximum)
In this section you should describe and demonstrate / show the following elements of the project plan for your chosen business project:
– Appraise the viability of the project and developing success/failure criteria of the project (Assessment Criteria 1.2)
– Prepare project plans and establish the project organisation(Assessment Criteria 3.1)
– Apply project scheduling, estimating and cost control techniques to the project
(Assessment Criteria 3.2)
– Analyse the methods used to measure the project performance(Assessment Criteria 3.3)
– Explain the project change control procedures (Assessment Criteria 3.4)
– Explain the key elements involved in terminating projects and conduct a post-project appraisal (Assessment Criteria 1.4)

Section 3 – Project Human Resources (Suggestedword count 1000 words maximum)
In this section you should explain how the HR aspects of the project are managed by:
– Identifying the most appropriate project organisational structure and roles / responsibilities of participants within thechosen project(Assessment Criteria 2.1)
– Describing / demonstrating how to control and co-ordinate the project
(Assessment Criteria 2.2)
– Assessingthe leadership requirements and qualities for the project
(Assessment Criteria 2.3)
– Planning and specifying human resources and requirements for the project
(Assessment Criteria 2.4)

Section 4 – Project Evaluation(Suggested word count 500 words maximum)
In this section you should evaluate the project by commenting on the success / failure of the project itself and how it is / was managed (Assessment Criteria 3.5)
Formative Feedback Opportunity: In order to assist with your learning and to give you some early, formative feedback you are encouraged to submit a PLAN / OUTLINE of your Project Plan Document (i.e. not full answers – just a couple of sentences explaining what you intend to include in your answer for each section)to your tutor. If you do decide to completePLAN / OUTLINE DRAFT then, in order to receive feedback, the document must be emailed to the module tutor by 20th November 2015.

The tutor’s email address can be found on the module front page on iLearn and you will receive feedback within seven days.
Student Guidelines

1.You should write this assignment in an informal report format and should respond to each of the assignment tasks in turn and present your answers in an ‘informal report’ layout (see group learning space for guidance on layout).

2. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is in the Induction Area). Please also refer to the ‘Guide to Unfair Practice in Assessment’ on the module page on ilearn.

3. You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system. The ‘My Study Skills’area contains the following useful resources; Study Skills Guide (containing a Harvard Referencing section) and a Harvard Referencing Interactive Tutorial. You must use the Harvard Referencing method in your assignment.

4. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the Harvard Referencing method.

5. You are required to write your assignment within4000 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks. In the interests of good academic practice, an assignment submitted with excessive word counts (i.e. more than 10% in excess of the limit) will be returned to you. You will be given a maximum of 48 hours to edit the work to reduce the word count to the permitted maximum. In the event that the submission is still regarded as excessively long then, in line with advice received from Pearson, we will be unable to accept it for marking and you will receive a Refer grade for Non-Submission.

The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables.

6. Your assignment should be submitted as a single document. For more information please see the “Guide to Submitting an Assignment” document available on the module page on iLearn.

Recommended Additional Resources

Pinto, Jeffrey K. (2013) Project Management : Achieving Competitive Advantage. Prentice Hall

Online ‘library’ resources available via ilearn

EBSCO e book collection / EBSCO Business Source Complete / MyiLibrary
Search for ‘Project Management’ texts, e books and articles.

Assessment Criteria for Pass
To achieve a pass you must meet all of the assessment criteria as stated below. Failure to cover all of the assessment criteria will result in a Refer grade and you will be required to re-submit your assignment.
Further guidance on completion of your assignment can be found in the guidance notes which are posted on the group learning space by your module tutor. For additional support please post questions onto the group learning space, or email [email protected]
Learning Outcomes/
Assessment Criteria Criteria Met
For tutor use
(you may wish to use this in your preparation for your assignment submission)
LO1 Understand project management principles
1.1 describe the background and principles of projectmanagement
Section 1
1.2 appraise the viability of projects, developing success/failure criteria Section 2
1.3 explain the principles behind project management systems and procedures Section 1
1.4 explain the key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals Section 2
LO2 Be able to manage a project’s human resources
2.1 identify the most appropriate organisational structure,roles and responsibilities of participants within a project
Section 3
2.2 control and co-ordinate a project Section 3
2.3 assess project leadership requirements and qualities Section 3
2.4 plan and specify human resources and requirements for a project Section 3
LO 3: Be able to develop communication processes
3.1 prepare project plans and establish the projectorganisation
. Section 2
3.2 apply project scheduling, estimating and cost control techniques Section 2
3.3 analyse the methods used to measure project performance Section 2
3.4 explain project change control procedures Section 2
3.5 evaluate the completed project Section 4

Assessment Criteria for Merit
To achieve a Merit all of the Pass criteria need to be met, then the tutor will assess whether you have met the Merit Criteria. Each of the Merit criteria must have been met at least once within the assignment.
The following statements are examples of how a merit may be achieved, if you do meet the Merit Criteria by showing you have reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded for this. You will need to meet M1, M2, M3 at least once.
M1 – identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

• Appropriate business based project has been selected and detailed for use in this assignment. (S1)
• Human resource requirements of the project have been detailed with appropriate analysis (S2)
• Project processes are described in detail using analysis / evaluation (S3) M1
M2 – select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques

• Appropriate project appraisal and post project evaluation techniques applied (S1)
• Appropriate software packages have been used to generate the project plans (S2 & 3)
• a range of sources of information incl. RDI Study materials, recommended texts and relevant PM texts etc have been used. (all Qns) M2
M3 – present and communicate appropriate findings

• Informal report and NOT essay style has been used
• logical and coherent analysis included
• PM language accurately used throughout all answers
• a range of methods of presentation has been used including use of diagrams e.g. Gantt chart, Network diagrams WBS diagrams etc where appropriate.
• Use of Harvard referencing throughout M3

Assessment Criteria for Distinction
To achieve a Distinction you have met all of the Pass and the Merit criteria. Each of the Distinction criteria must be met at least once within the assignment.
The following statements are examples of how a Distinction may be achieved, if you do meet the Distinction Criteria by showing you have reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded for this. You will need to meet D1,D2,D3 at least once.
D1- use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions

• Assignment has been competed fully and on time
• Completed project has been evaluated in great detail. (Q3)
• Students project leadership qualities / skills have been have been evaluated (Q2) D1
D2 – take responsibility for managing and organising activities

• Independent research, outside of what has been provided in the study materials, has been utilised to prepare a thorough report which is detailed and in depth in its application to the chosen project and the project management environment.
• Report content demonstrates sound academic basis, and includes referencing to a wider range of relevant and appropriate academic sources throughout. D2
D3 – demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking

• Project plan has been constructed in great detail using several software techniques thoroughly applied e.g. Gantt chart, Network analysis, Critical Path Analysis, performance measurement graphs/charts etc. (Q3)
• Creativity is shown in providing evidence of the student’s role in controlling / coordinating the project. (Q2)

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