Part 1

Part 1
Please discuss how access to a variety of medical and public health services has changed….or not changed….incident to the enactment of the ACA. How has the law encouraged or discouraged certain behaviors?
A.    Please differentiate between the duty owed to patients presenting to a hospital or other facility by whether their condition is emergency or not and if the provider is pubicly owned or not.
B.    Who is ultimately legally accountable for the patient outcomes in a very busy urban Level III Emergency and Trauma Center, such as Shock Trauma in Baltimore?
Part 2
During this period, we consider a number of vital areas, touching as much on personal values as legal issues, indeed reflective of societal religious and cultural norms:
1. Who sets your “moral compass” as a health care professional vs. as a private person? Should these standards be identical? What if they are not?

2. Should the Maryland State Board of Nursing Examiners (Licensing) be implementing the Holy Gospel or the Bible as its ethical and/or moral basis? If not, why?

3. When does the law permit health care providers to ignore the wishes of a patient regarding treatment? If you are ignoring the patient’s wishes (or following them against sound medical judgment), what might you ponder, legally?

4. In reviewing patient privacy expectations vs. public health requirements, how are we balancing competing interests? Consider the stigma presumably associated with certain mental health or infectious diseases and the interests of society to be protected from arguable harm; how would you balance these needs?

Part 3
Please review the 3 items attached and discuss:
1. Can you identify any legal issues arising out of more modern medical approaches, such as telemedicine, electronic health records and data mining for large patient cohorts?
2. Distinguish between civil and criminal liability for the same or similar conduct.
3. Discuss your approach towards questionable activity which may or may not give rise to fraud. What of honest mistakes which are none the less illegal?
4. Define the QUI TAM laws……how can YOU benefit?

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