Organisational Culture  and Strategy

Alphabet Games Case Study: Organisational Culture 

Assignment Instructions

Based on a case study the following question will have to be answered:
a. Explain the importance of organisational culture to Alphabet Games and suggest an example of where both shared values and taken-for-granted assumptions contribute to the continued success of Alphabet Games.
b. Using a recognised theoretical model, identify and justify the organisational culture of Alphabet games and assess how this shapes current management approaches.
c. To reflect the changing environments within which Alphabet games operates, suggest a possible alternative organisational culture for the company Games and assess the impact this change in culture would have upon managerial approaches.
d. Using a recognised framework, assess the importance of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational behaviour.

The question was first posted at Write My Essay


a. Explain the importance of organisational culture to Alphabet Games and suggest an example of where both shared values and taken-for-granted assumptions contribute to the continued success of Alphabet Games

People form the culture of a company. The culture of an organization is both established and preserved by its leadership. Organizational culture is essential to alphabet games because it influences how workers behave and interact with one another both internally and externally. This will have a huge impact on how the company works. The culture of an organization is the feeling we get when we walk in, and it is made up of assumptions, values, and norms. The dominant attitude, behaviour, and traits in the organization will influence how we interact with other people. The culture of each company differs.

Culture is made up of four major components:

  1. Fundamental Assumptions – instructs workers about how to feel and think about various situations.
  2. Values – what a company should stand for.
  3. Norms – the expected behaviour of workers. 4 Artefacts – a visual representation of history.
  4. Shared values are the ideals, ideas, and principles that underpin an organization’s culture and influence employee behaviour.

These principles bind a company together. The vast expertise in software development that has grown into a world-renowned reputation for excellence, quality, and creativity is an example of common principles in Alphabet games. This informs employees about the importance of Alphabet games and assumes that employees are dedicated to delivering such a service.

Assumptions are the true centre of the culture because they tell workers how to interpret, think, and feel about things. Passion for software creation, which was first evident among the three friends and has been passed down through the business, is an example of taken for granted assumptions in Alphabet games. This has led to Alphabet games’ continued success since all staff will be working for the same goal.

b. Using a recognised theoretical model, identify and justify the organisational culture of Alphabet games and assess how this shapes current management approaches.

Work hard, play hard culture, as described by Deal and Kennedy, is a classification for organizations that take less chances but can respond quickly to negative feedback. Alphabet games must offer a high-quality product to their consumers, and service is the most essential culture value. The case study demonstrates that successful video games need more than simply good looks; it also demonstrates the importance of quality and the desire to remain ahead of the competition by investing in product growth. In the case study, an example of this is given: as video games have become more lifelike, the company has pursued the idea that the games environment should also respond in a realistic manner. The culture of “work hard, play hard” would have a positive influence on the management style at alphabet games. When requisitioning, the inherent need for enthusiasm and consistency has always been a minimum requirement in personnel. High levels of operation characterize this community, and workers are inspired by lower-risk decisions and quick input on their success.

c. To reflect the changing environments within which Alphabet games operates, suggest a possible alternative organisational culture for the company Games and assess the impact this change in culture would have upon managerial approaches

The organization’s atmosphere, according to Deal and Kennedy, is slow feedback/high risk. As a result of the high risk and delayed feedback, this causes tension. Alphabet games will be harmed by larger corporations if they follow this culture. As the case study illustrates, Alphabet games are excellent at planning ahead. High risk offers the potential of high reward, and this dynamic has generated business opportunities for more ambitious and innovative companies and growth, but because technology progresses at such a rapid pace, they must act quickly. Alphabet games must make fast decisions based on consumer tastes. The organization’s community will be the best bet for strategic planning. They will ensure that the correct choices are taken by including risk in their business plans and projects. This can have a negative impact on management strategy due to the slowness of reviews, which may take years to determine if a decision has paid off.

d. Using a recognised framework, assess the importance of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational behaviour.

The cultural web defines six elements that make up the paradigm, which is the pattern or model of the working world, as described by Johnson and Scholes. All of the reasons that make an organization’s culture and behaviour so similar can be seen in both. They are so entangled that one can have an effect on the other. Employee behaviour can be influenced by culture, and culture can be defined by behaviour. When confronted with new situations, behaviour can change quickly, but changing culture takes time and effort on the part of management. Employees learn their behaviour from managers of most organizations.

In terms of culture and behaviour, alphabet games have a good management approach. They aspire to please customers by being at the top of their game, delivering bespoke tech solutions and excellent gaming graphics that encourage employees to follow their lead. This demonstrates that there is a connection between Alphabet game culture and behaviour. When requiting, the need to agree with Alphabet games’ principals and ethos has always been a primary concern, but the underlying need for enthusiasm and consistency has always been a minimum requirement. This demonstrates the connection between culture and actions, common beliefs in the form of ideals, and ethos in the form of passion. Often, there is still an informality and tight working relationship between the partners, indicating that common beliefs are passed down to the workers, resulting in a very strong community.

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