Novel “The One and Only Ivan” by Katherine Applegate
Order Description
Evaluate the novel (The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate) as a work of literature using literary elements. an evaluation essay on Literary Elements – style, character, symbol, setting, theme.
a relevant title for your essay that gives your reader an idea of the topic of your essay,
Include a clearly worded thesis statement somewhere in the introduction paragraph of your essay that answers the assignment question or writing prompt,
Develop at least three main body paragraphs to support your thesis in your essay.
Write from a third-person point of view and avoid using “you” and “I.”
Avoid including your personal experience in the essay. This is an assignment for an analytical essay. Avoid writing about why you liked a particular book as a child or about how much your children like a book.
Refer to the author by his/her last name and in the present tense.
Include at least five direct quotations from the works to support your points. (No need to cite them.)
Explain how the direct quotations you use support your points.
If you include outside (secondary) sources in your essay, you must cite the material you use from the sources using MLA style. (Include a Works Cited page with publication information for the sources.)
Give the entire title of the work every time you bring it up. Short story titles like “The Tiger’s Bride” go in quotation marks.

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