Myth of American Middle Class Essay Dissertation Help
Now that we’ve discussed the rhetorical choices an author must make when writing persuasively (think back to the rhetorical triangle and rhetorical analysis lectures/handouts), and we have explored several of America’s cultural myths (where they came from and how they manifest themselves in society), you will select an American cultural myth we have not studied, conduct research using valid primary and secondary sources, and explain to your readers the origins of the myth, how it presents itself, and the effects you believe this myth has on individuals and American society as a whole.
In order to complete this assignment, you must:
Make a claim (strong, contestable thesis – this should be a statement, not a question)
Back up your claim with logic and reason
Support your reasons with valid evidence
Acknowledge alternative POVs
Suggest possible solutions to/effects of the myth you’ve studied
While it is recommended that you study a myth we have not reviewed as a class, you may elect to study one of the myths we have touched on more in-depth (i.e. perhaps you want to learn more about the myth of identity in terms of religion). Your essay should be appropriate for an academic audience (i.e. 3rd person point of view, use correct MLA style, cite all sources properly, and use appropriate diction).
You must use a minimum of 6 credible sources in your paper. These can be from newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, books, news programs, documentaries, .gov websites, or .org websites. If you are unsure whether or not your source is credible, ask your professor, or check with a librarian at the IVC Library for assistance. Please note: you may only use a maximum of 2 sources we have already studied this semester. The others should be sources you have found. Please see the Library links on Canvas to help you get started with your research.
Topic: Choose an American cultural myth we have not studied, or have not studied in-depth, in order to explain its origins, how it presents itself in society, and the impact it has on individual and society as a whole.
You will be graded on the following:
Unity/Coherence/Organization of your essay
Development/Support of your essay
Proper use of MLA Style and Works Citation
Proper Use of Spelling and grammar
Category: Essays
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