Multidisciplinary Analysis.

Multidisciplinary Analysis.
Select one of the topics listed below and develop a paper that analyzes issues of human sexuality from multidisciplinary perspectives. Apply concepts from three distinctly different disciplines of human study to analyze the particular phenomenon, see listing below one from each column. Incorporate theoretical frameworks, theoretical constructs and other “explanations” that have been used by these disciplines to create a perspective that will provide a possible “explanation” for the issue. This should be the way the discipline approaches the topic, it should not be a listing of findings. For example do not give a historic account of the topic but rather how historians synthesize the historical significance of the phenomenon. The last part of the paper is reflective.

Selected Topics (additional topics can be used with the approval of the instructor)

• Human pair bonding
• Romantic love
• Infidelity
• Gender roles
• Promiscuity
• Marriage and divorce
• Homosexuality
Grading Criteria for Multidisciplinary Analysis
• Thesis statement (must be in italics)
• Logical sequences of thought, and relationship between ideas, arguments.
• Meaningful conclusion
• Current and related literature citations and references from experts in the field to support your positions
• Neatness, legibility, grammar and use of APA 5th Edition format
• Adherence to length requirement
• Timeliness of submission to and hard copy to instructor in class.

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