Motor Assessment Essay Dissertation Help

Motor Assessment

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Lifelong motor development motor assessment project


KIN 332: Lifelong Motor DevelopmentMotor Assessment ProjectPART 1 Case Study is done and I have uploaded it-One important aspect and/or skill
gained from learning about motor development is the ability to determine how and to successfully analyze various motor development aspects of individuals
throughout their lifespan- The purpose of this assignment, therefore, is to provide you with an opportunity to learn how to assess a selected aspect of motor
development of one individual and to interpret your results in a meaningful manner. Please follow the directions carefully, take your time, and be thorough in
your efforts-

Part 1- Case Study (3-10 paragraphs)

Part 1 involves completing a case study of an individual that you have chosen as your subject for your motor analysis project- The case study should
involve an in-depth study and description of characteristics of the individual- Someone reading your case should be able to fully understand various things
about the individual that you are studying- The case study should include, but not limited to the following:1-

Subject’s Age2- Subject’s Gender3- Subject’s general physical description (build, hair color, etc-)4- Subject’s history- where born, where lived,
hobbies, occupation, daily habits and activities, general likes and dislikes, general eating habits, general physical activity habits, personality, disposition,
etc-)5- Other characteristics about the subject that are important (e-g-, relationships to others such as married/single, former athlete, etc-)

Part 2- Analysis Question (1-2 paragraphs)

Part 2 involves deriving a question related to motor development that is an important and relevant question for the subject- This is very important and will
drive the remainder of your project-Example #1 – a five year old child seems to be very precocious child with a baseball, since there is a strong relationship
between striking a ball, catching a ball, and other skills of baseball with visual perception, is this child’s visual perception more mature that his or her peers of
the same age?Example #2 – a twenty-two year old wheelchair basketball athlete has arms that exhibit extreme muscular hypertrophy and seems to have a
large range of motion – does this athlete exhibit greater range of motion in the arms and muscle strength than his or her peers?

Part 3 – Instrument Selection (1-5 paragraph + instrument) Based on the question(s) posed in part 2 (above), search the intemet, library, or your books for a
published motor analysis instrument that can be used to answer your question- You may NOT create your own instrument- You must identify where you found
the instrument, and provide a copy of any information you gather regarding the instrument- In addition, you must explain why the instrument will be useful in
answering your motor analysis question-

PROFESSORS comment: need to see the whole instrument, the directions of how to measure and the norms to explain how you will assess the date

Part 4 – Instrument Administration (2-5 paragraphs) The test must be administered to the subject- You should provide information about when and where the
instrument was administered- In addition, you must clearly indicate any problems you encountered while administering the instrument- Modifications will not be
allowed except in extreme cases – use your best judgment!

Part 5 – Results (2-5 paragraphs) Using the information provided with the instrument, determine and record the results of your analysis- These must be
provided in the format specified by the instrument that you select

-Part 6- Discussion (3-15 paragraphs)

Write the discussion of the results- Your primary purpose here is to determine if your results answered the question you asked, describe your results, and
discuss what, if any recommendations you would make to the subject about their development and/or behaviors- In many cases, you might just be learning
something while in others you might be diagnosing a potential problem- Your discussion should reflect what you are trying to accomplish- NOTE: It is your
responsibility that you do not administer any test that harms the subject- Be aware that you are responsible for any harm that may come to your subject and
should use prudence in your approach!!!Other Directions:

The report must be typewritten in size 12 font- single spaced- standard margin- numbered- Make sure your name is on the report- There is no specific page
length, but it must be thorough-

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