Most Typical Cyber Crimes Academic Essay


Most Typical Cyber Crimes

Cyber crimes are criminal wrongdoings committed through the Internet or otherwise assisted by various kinds of computer technology, for instance the use of online social networks to torment others or sending sexually overt digital snapshots using technologies like the smart phone (Anderson et al., 2013).

Accessing Stored Communications is the first of the many cyber crimes. The crime here is the Intentional access bereft of any authorization, a facility that provides electronic communication services (Stephenson & Gilbert, 2013). It can take the shape of hacking a person’s email account for the purposes of malicious destruction, commercial advantage, or in furtherance of any crime.

The other common cyber crime is identity theft. Most people consider it the most upsetting type of cyber crime. It is particularly common to those who use the World Wide Web for purchases. These criminals are able to access an individual’s credit and debit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security information, and many more (Stephenson & Gilbert, 2013). This result into financial losses and a ruined reputation for the injured party, and it is not common for the criminal to be caught.

Hacking is another typical cyber crime. Hackers can access someone else’s personal information over the internet (Stephenson & Gilbert, 2013). The information can be gotten from a business website, social media page, or an email account. Irrespective of account is accessed, though; most of the damage can be done.

Cyber stalking is another widespread type of cyber crime (Anderson et al., 2013). Stalkers will recurrently hassle another online user with intimidating messages and emails. These bullies mostly use this tactic to attack fellow students in campuses and colleges and in other social contexts. Cyber stalking is a grave crime, particularly if it advances into real-world stalking.

There are many more cyber crimes. The bottom line however is, the authorities should come up with relevant policies to curb it before it brings even more harm to the society.


Anderson, R., Barton, C., Böhme, R., Clayton, R., Van Eeten, M. J., Levi, M., … & Savage, S. (2013). Measuring the cost of cybercrime. In The economics of information security and privacy (pp. 265-300). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Stephenson, P., & Gilbert, K. (2013). Investigating computer-related crime. CRC Press.

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