To the Writer:
My major is Interior Design. Below you will find information about my project..For this class, we are using the book by Thames & Hudson� called �Modern Art� Impressionism to Post-Modernism. So I would like to use their information on the essay and others as well. So below, you will find some helpful reading information for each assignment:
Week 1 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 1 online lectures
� The following pages from the recommended textbook:
� Britt, David. Modern Art: Impressionism to Postmodernism. New York: Thames Hudson, 2010.
� Chapter 1: Impressionism, pages 11 � 57
� Access the following documents to use throughout the course:
� Researching Art Handout
� Writing About Art Guide
� Visual Analysis Handout
Week 2 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 2 online lectures
� The following pages from the recommended textbook:
� Britt, David. Modern Art: Impressionism to Postmodernism. New York: Thames Hudson, 2010.
� Chapter 3: Fauvism and Expressionism, pages 109 � 157
� Chapter 4: Cubism, Futurism, and Constructivism pages 159 � 201
Week 3 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 3 online lectures
� The following articles:
o Staples, Shelley. 1913 Armory Show. American Studies Program, University of Virginia, 2001
� As Avant-Garde as the Rest of Them: An Introduction to the 1913 Armory Show (
� Marketing Modern Art in America: From the Armory Show to the Department Store (
� “The Part Played By Women:” The Gender of Modernism at the Armory Show (
Week 4 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 4 online lectures
� The following pages from the recommended textbook:
� Britt, David. Modern Art: Impressionism to Postmodernism. New York: Thames Hudson, 2010.
� Chapter 5: Dada and Surrealism, pages 203 � 251
� Supplemental reading and independent research for paper
Week 5 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 5 online lectures
� The following pages from the recommended textbook:
� Britt, David. Modern Art: Impressionism to Postmodernism. New York: Thames Hudson, 2010.
� Chapter 6: Abstract Expressionism, pages 253 � 303
� Chapter 7: Pop, pages 305 � 357
Week 6 Reading
Complete the following reading early in the week:
� Week 6 online lectures
� The following pages from the recommended textbook:
� Britt, David. Modern Art: Impressionism to Postmodernism. New York: Thames Hudson, 2010.
� Chapter 8: Pluralism since 1960, pages 359 � 405
Week 1-This week, you learned about the importance of studying the cultural tradition in which you live and work. You also learned that a movement is a one-stop study that helps in understanding the complex social and cultural realities of a specific period of time. Assignment for Week 1 is completed by Superior Papers- I would like to continue this whole assignment with the same writer if possible. Please have the writer contact me if have any question.
Week 1 Assignment by Superior Papers:
Michelle P. Camilo
Theories of Modernism and Postmodernism
Professor Chuck Wiebe
Theory Meets Practice 1: Art and form
My major in art is interior design. As an interior designer, I am required to incorporate elements of artwork to ensure that a client is satisfied by the overall look. Design is usually subjective. Design can be referred to as a craft of service because; it serves the purposes of others. It is therefore not a form of self-expression. As a young interior designer, I am still developing my design style. However, my design style is edged towards modernism mainly because I reside in a city where most of the interior d�cor and architecture is modern.
The most crucial form that affects interior design is abstract art. Abstract art has revolutionized interior design. Before the recognition of abstract painting and sculptures as art, many people used to determine the value of a picture by its colors and the shapes visible in the picture (Gooding, 2001). As interior designers, we did not frequently use abstract art because our clients were not familiar with it or, they preferred other forms of art. However, with the continued modernization of art and interior design, people have begun to familiarize with abstract art. I see more and more people request abstract art paintings instead of the contemporary western art.
Abstract art is a nonobjective art. However, there is no consensus on the aesthetic significance of abstract art. Some art critics claim that all art is abstract because, art is a crude summary or an abstraction of what the artist sees. The aesthetic of any piece of art is the principle, which governs its nature and the appreciation of its beauty (Holm, 2006). Whether we like or dislike any form of abstract art is determined by the sense of aesthetics we possess. Some people might be disgusted by the image on an abstract painting while others may appreciate the beauty of the painting or the object. Some people argue that the formal qualities of any form of art are as important as their representational qualities. Abstract art does not possess the representational qualities. For example, a painting may have a bad drawing of a flower, but the colors used may be very beautiful. The painting could still be appealing because of the colors used. The formal qualities, in this case, the color, override the representational qualities; the drawing. A client gets to decide if any form of art is appealing irrespective of the presence of lack thereof of the representation quality.
Abstract art refers to the use of a visual language to come up with a shape, color or form that exists independently from any visual references in the world (Gooding, 2001). Abstract art is only concerned with the aesthetic elements of the piece of art. Most of the clients tend to prefer abstract art because it has a certain value of practical demonstration. When a person walks into the home and sees the piece of art, he or she cannot immediately tell what exactly that piece of art represents. However, as the owner of the home, the client, can elaborate and demonstrate to the guest what exactly is in the painting or what exactly a piece of art represents. This is what most clients want. In abstract art, the artist is tasked with inventing and designing something new; something pure. Abstract art embraces the absoluteness of aesthetics and pure design. What was once considered monstrous is now considered a pure expression.
Abstract art employs two crucial concepts. It excludes all natural forms and, there is the unhistorical universalizing of the art quality. While drastically, distorting natural shapes and creating abstract art, an artist makes his judgment of the world around him. Critics have proclaimed that abstract paintings look like a child, or a mad person has created them. However, an abstract painter has come to value and appreciate his passionless zeal and imaginative freedom without pressure and practical adjustments.
According to a study published in the center for health and design in 2008, patients said that their environment played a big role in their overall satisfaction. The study also found that in hospital, interior design features were very common. The study concluded that art and various features of interior design had a significant impact on quality of services and patient recovery (Harris et al, 2002). Ulrich conducted a study about how psychiatric patients respond to art. The psychiatric unit was furnished and well designed with a collection of mounted paintings and objects. While conducting an interview with the patients, the patients claimed that they had a negative reaction to any form of art that was ambiguous and that could be interpreted in multiple ways (Ulrich, 1991). It is therefore very risky to put up abstract art in a hospital setting. Abstract art is ambiguous and subject to interpretation. When people are in a healthcare setting, they are often stressed and in a negative emotional state. This means that they are likely to respond negatively to abstract art, which they cannot understand. Patients may view the art to contain negative images because of their emotional state. Therefore, as an interior designer I have to keep this in mind when I am called upon to design a hospital. People react differently to different forms of art depending on their mental state and the levels of anxiety.
In conclusion, it is evident that abstract art is among the new trends in interior design. A clear understanding of abstract art and its concepts will help me, the interior designer to tailor each client�s needs depending on aesthetics of the piece of art and functionality.
Gooding, Mel (2001). Abstract Art (Movements in Modern Art series). Tate Publishing. ISBN 1-
Harris, P. B., McBride, G., Ross, C., & Curtis, L. (2002). A place to heal: Environmental sources
of satisfaction among hospital patients. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 1276� 1299.
Holm, Ivar (2006). Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and Industrial design: How attitudes,
orientations, and underlying assumptions shape the built environment. Oslo School of Architecture and Design. ISBN 82-547-0174-1.
Ulrich, R. S., Simons, R. V., Losito, B .D., Fiorito, E., Miles, M. A., & Zelson, M. (1991). Stress
recovery during exposure to nature and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 11, 201-230.
Week 2 Summary-This week, you learned about the trends that led to the development of the critical characteristics of Modernism. These trends are categorized as follows:
� Technology: Invention of the steam engine and automation of factories
� Science: Theory of relativity and discoveries related to the atom
� Economics: Booming of the economy due to global business and industrialization
� Literature: Introduction of new styles, attitudes, and perspectives
From now on you will find the remaining assignments information:
Assignment 2: Final Project (This part is due on Oct.18, 2015, so I will need by the end of the day on Sunday. This is the assignment that I need to be done now. I am paying for 3 pages for this assignment only. Each week, I will pay for each assignment that it’s due.)
Theory Meets Practice II: Art and History
As part of your final project, in Week 2, you are required to analyze the relation between art and history. Your analysis document should be three to four pages in length and respond to the following:
� The key historical and developmental events of your discipline in light of Modernism or Postmodernism.
� How different was your discipline 10 or 20 years back? Highlight the significant events that influenced the style and design of creating artistic works in your discipline.
� The current trends in your discipline. Highlight the attributes that are causing these changes.
� The future trends of your discipline. Highlight the factors that can influence the future course of development of your discipline.
Your paper should be supported with authoritative proof and citations from text readings or other outside research.Follow MLA standards for writing the paper and citing sources. Create the analysis in Microsoft Word and save it as W2_A2_lastname_firstname.doc. Submit the document to the W2 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 2, Day 7.
Week 3 Summary-This week, you learned about a hallmark event of Modernism�The 1913 Art Show of Modern Art. This event showed how Modernism radically critiqued and altered the institutional and aesthetic conventions of the time.
Because of this important exhibit, the National Academy of Design was decentralized, demolishing the power of the bourgeois elite. New museums and galleries emerged, which catered to the new modern-art consumer.
Cubism, Expressionism, and Dada critiqued the old aesthetic standards by experimenting with how the observer saw the world. This ran parallel with the new ways of seeing reality that were being developed in the field of science and technology.
You also learned that Modernism contains, within it, the critique of itself. The
avant-garde is always ahead of convention. As soon as Modernism became institutionalized itself, a new critique was needed�that of Postmodernism.
Assignment 2: Final Project
(Due on Oct.25,2015)Theory Meets Practice III: Art and Technology
As part of your final project, in Week 3, you are required to analyze the relation between art and technology. Your analysis document should be three to four pages in length and respond to the following:
� The technological advancement or advancements, such as the invention of the camera, the computer, the printing press, digital photography, or others, that have had a significant influence in your discipline. Justify your answers with examples and reasoning.
� How did professionals create artistic works in your discipline before such a technological advancement or advancements were made? Make reference to the one particular technological advancement you are referring to, or to each you’ve outlined.
� The change in approach or style of creating the artistic works in your discipline after the technological advancement or advancements were employed. Explain if it also changed the attributes of the artistic work. Make reference to the one particular technological advancement you are referring to, or to each you’ve outlined.
� Highlight, with examples, the ways in which technology and art are linked and the ways in which they are autonomous from one another.
Your paper should be supported with authoritative proof and citations from the text and other outside research.
Follow MLA standards for writing the paper and citing sources. Create the analysis in Microsoft Word and save it as W3_A2_lastname_firstname.doc. Submit the document to the W3 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 3, Day 7.
Week 4 Summary-This week, you learned that Postmodernism can be viewed either as a form of late Modernism or as a complete break from Modernism. Whichever side you take, Postmodernism is a critique of what existed before it.
Postmodernism has a variety of forms and styles, including the pop art, performance art, and an event and a happening.
Postmodernism seeks to explain the reality of a world immersed in the image and the media. It also seeks to explain the importance of power and legitimization in the art world. In addition, it seeks to explain the world of simulacra.
Assignment 2: Course Project (Due on Nov.1st,2015)
Theory Meets Practice IV: Art and Economics
As part of your final project, in Week 4, you are required to analyze the relation between art and economics. Your analysis document should be three to four pages in length and respond to the following:
� How does economic development in society influence how and what artistic work is being created in your discipline?
� How is your discipline being corporatized today? Can you think of methods or strategies of corporativism that were employed in your discipline some ten years back?
� In what way does money and the pursuit of money influence how an artistic work is being produced in your discipline?
� Highlight, with examples, the ways in which economics and art are linked and the ways in which they are autonomous from one another.
Your paper should be supported with authoritative proof and citations from the text and other outside research.
Follow MLA standards for writing the paper and citing sources. Create the analysis in Microsoft Word and save it as W4_A2_lastname_firstname.doc. Submit the document to the W4 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 4, Day 7.
Week 5 Summary-This week, you looked at the following critical concepts related to Postmodernism:
� Structuralism, which suggests there is an inherent meaning in any object, but this meaning depends on culture and a structure of codes and conventions
� Poststructuralism, which critiques the very idea of universal codes and conventions and instead proposes an endless network of meaning defined by the concept of “difference”
� Difference, which posits that meaning is a result of the difference between things, not of any inherent qualities of the things themselves
� Deconstruction, which is a process that exposes contradictory meaning in a text
Assignment 2: Course Project (Due on Nov.08, 2015)
Theory Meets Practice V: Art and Power (Race, Gender, and Class)
As part of your final project, in Week 5, you are required to analyze the relation between art and power. Your analysis document should be three to four pages in length and respond to the following:
� What kinds of institutions, organizations, or establishments exist in your discipline?
� In what way does gender play a part in how professionals create artistic works in your discipline?
� How is institutional power exerted in your discipline? How does this kind of power influence how professionals create artistic works in your field of art?
� In what way does race influence your discipline? What kind of influence does the race of professionals have on the styles and design of the artistic work(s)?
Your paper should be supported with authoritative proof and citations from the text and other outside research.
Follow MLA standards for writing the paper and citing sources. Create the analysis in Microsoft Word and save it as W5_A2_lastname_firstname.doc. Submit the document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 5, Day 7.
Week 6 Summary-This week, you concluded your study of Modernism and Postmodernism by discussing some important differences between the two movements. Postmodernism believes in relativity and fragmentation, while Modernism subscribes to absolutism and totality (even though it critiques these concepts at the same time).
Next, you learned how to employ theory in your own creative practice. We all subscribe to some sort of theory; therefore, it is important for us to first identify which theory do we relate to and then explore if there are other alternatives that can benefit us more.
Finally, you learned what may follow Postmodernism. There is a possibility that there will be a reaction to Postmodernism just like there was a reaction to Modernism.
Over the past six weeks, you studied the concepts of Modernism and Postmodernism movements, which presented a broader perspective of how the world around us works. You learned that a critique or deviation from an existent notion paves the way for a new movement or trend of thoughts�that is how Modernism and Postmodernism emerged as movements. You also learned about technological, scientific, economic, social, and cultural changes that led to the development of Modernism and Postmodernism concepts and vice-versa.
You explored how these two movements presented different viewpoints to perceive reality. This answered many questions such as why we think the way we think and why we create some artistic products in a specific style.
Assignment 2: Final Project with Share Thread (Due on Nov.11th,2015)
This is the last week for your final project. In this week, you need to collate all the assignment documents you created under the “Theory Meets Practice” assignments in the course into a single, cohesive document.
Your final project should be structured as follows:
� A title page
� Abstract of the final project
� Theory Meets Practice I: Art and Form
� Theory Meets Practice II: Art and History
� Theory Meets Practice III: Art and Technology
� Theory Meets Practice IV: Art and Economics
� Theory Meets Practice V: Art and Power (Race, Gender, and Class)
� A three- to four-page evaluation that presents with analysis the most influential factor among form, history, technology, economics, and power for your discipline
Your collated paper, including the evaluation, should be supported with authoritative proof and citations from the text and other outside research.
Follow MLA standards to compile the final project paper. Save the document as W6_A2_final_project_lastname_firstname.doc and submit it to the W6 Assignment 1 Dropbox by Week 6, Day 3.
Though it’s not required, feel free to share your final project file in the Discussion Area below, or any other insights regarding the final project or the course overall.
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