Mock Interview process and Review

Mock Interview process and Review

This is a two part assignment. Part one will be completed in class on October 26th and part two is a written submission due on October 28th.

Part One: On October 26th, students will pair up and conduct mock interviews using the questions created in the previous assignment.
Part Two: After the in-class experience, students will reflect on the effectiveness of the interview process and questions presented. A written submission, due on October 28th, should address the following questions:
How effective were the questions you asked the potential employee? What would you have added or omitted?
What did the potential employee share with themselves that you felt was particularly important or effective in the interview process
An important part of the interview process is finding out information about your potential employer. Did you get the answers you were hoping for from the potential employer? What would you have asked or omitted next time?

This assignment should be approximately 2 pages. All submissions should be double spaced, written in complete sentences, and free from spelling/grammatical errors. All directions must be followed or no credit received!

interview process

Mock Interview process and Review

This is a two part assignment. Part one will be completed in class on October 26th and part two is a written submission due on October 28th.

Part One: On October 26th, students will pair up and conduct mock interviews using the questions created in the previous assignment.
Part Two: After the in-class experience, students will reflect on the effectiveness of the interview process and questions presented. A written submission, due on October 28th, should address the following questions:
How effective were the questions you asked the potential employee? What would you have added or omitted?
What did the potential employee share with themselves that you felt was particularly important or effective in the interview process
An important part of the interview process is finding out information about your potential employer. Did you get the answers you were hoping for from the potential employer? What would you have asked or omitted next time?

This assignment should be approximately 2 pages. All submissions should be double spaced, written in complete sentences, and free from spelling/grammatical errors. All directions must be followed or no credit received!

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