Management Research Paper
PROPOSAL Although the divide between women and men at the workplace is smaller today than before, there is still a distance of power between men and women. What kinds of organizational behavior can solve the managerial challenges that exist in today’s work environment, more specifically, the difference of power between men and women? A team project will be assigned. The project will center on a topic related to organizational behavior but this is a research based paper. The purpose of this assignment is to offer team members an opportunity to explore new research in the area of organizational behavior. Using topics from the textbook as your source of inspiration you are to identify an organizational problem that exists in today’s work environment. You then must prepare a proposal identifying the problem and listing the questions you will ask that will drive your research findings. Here’s an example of a problem statement: With body art becoming more mainstream yet associated with negative social stigmas, what managerial challenges exist with balancing today’s contemporary workplace environment and setting reasonable boundaries for those that wear body art? Your problem statement must be pre-approved by me. The project will center on delivering a 20 minute presentation of your findings accompanied by a 20 page written report (double spaced with end or footnotes). Your report and slides must INCLUDE the following but by no means is limited to: 1. Introduction 2. Problems Statement 3. Research Questions 4. Results and Findings 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 6. References(you must have a minimum of 10 research sources) Grading Criteria (points will be deducted from your overall score if you fail to adhere to the following requirements): ï‚· Hardcopy power point slides are considered a business document and as such I expect them to look professional. ï‚· Power point slides and paper must have a cover page listing all team members 4 first and last names in alphabetical order. ï‚· Everyone’s power point slides and paper hardcopy is due at the start of class on March 2. Both assignments will be docked 10 late points for every minute after 4PM- no exceptions. Plan well- get to campus early this day. Have everything printed and stapled the night before. ï‚· Power point slide hardcopy must be stapled- no binders. 20 points will be deducted from the overall grade if turned in unstapled. Showing up to class and asking a classmate for a stapler is considered unstapled and will be docked accordingly. ï‚· Power point slides must also include footnote (source) citations on the slide when referencing someone else’s work. Failure to do so will result in a 10 point deduction from your presentation grade. ï‚· Power point must be free of grammatical,spelling, and syntax errors. ï‚· Power point slides are allowed no more than 36 words per slide. ï‚· You are not allowed to read your slides to the class. If you read your slides to the class 10 points will be deducted from your grade. ï‚· You are not allowed to use any notes during your presentation. If you use notes, 10 points will be deducted from your portion of the grade. ï‚· The presentation power point and paper should go through several rounds of drafts before being turned in to me. ï‚· You will have 20 minutes (timed to the extent that 5 points will be deducted for each +/- 1 minute you miss the 20 minute target) to deliver your presentation so you need to rehearse as a group several times in order to achieve this time standard. You are allowed to have a stopwatch with you while presenting. ï‚· Plan well and print your hardcopy of the slides well in advance of the due date.
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