Major demographic characteristics of homicide



First, as you read these three chapters, you needed to focus on: (1) whether and (2) how well these various theories are useful explanations for why some people kill another human being.
Second, consider also whether the theories are useful in making distinctions among the various statutory degrees of criminal homicide that you learned about in Week 1.

This Extra Credit Writing Assignment is an extension of the Weeks 9 & 10 Discussion activity. This writing assignment requires you to address the following:

1.10pts. Do any of the three theory groups provide a useful explanation of homicide? Which one(s)?

2. 40pts. If yes, please identify the specific theory or aspect of the theory group that you found useful and explain in detail why. Please provide examples of why the theory explains homicide.

3. 10pts. Do any of the three theory groups seem helpful in understanding the various degrees of criminal homicide that are recognized under the law [i.e., 1st degree, 2nd degree; Voluntary Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter?

4. 40pts. If yes, please identify the specific theory or aspect of the theory group that you found useful and explain in detail why. Please provide examples of how/why.

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