“Lost” by David Wagoner Academic Essay

hello please read the instructions below and my poem is “Lost” by David Wagoner from the book good poems page number 154-156.

please ask me if you have questions

Assignment Two: Introduction and outline for explication two.

Please follow the directions / model below. The assignment is due Saturday evening at 11:59 p.m.

As your title for this assignment, please center the name of the poem you wish to work on and its page number at the top of the page.

Then, right below the title of the assignment, write the introduction you plan to defend or prove in your paper as I have done below.

“Because I Could Not Stop For Death” (pg. XX)

It is a cliché that the only two unavoidable realities in life are death and taxes. Taxes can be avoided as any number of persons and corporations prove every year; death, however, is another matter. The end of all life is death. That reality has plagued humankind as far back as there are records of people’s thoughts. Frequently, death is seen as something to be feared, something to be fought as Dylan Thomas urges his father: “Rage, rage at the dying of the light” (li 3). Not everyone fears death, of course. Some, facing protracted, painful ends of life have been known to welcome it. Then too, how other people feel about death is often influenced by their religious affiliations, if any, their life styles, and if we are fortunate enough to have a record, their thoughts on the subject. Relying on a personification of Death as a gentleman caller who has come to take her for a carriage ride in “Because I Could Not Stop For Death,” Emily Dickinson makes it clear she sees death as nothing to fear, but instead sees it as the natural experience that ends life for all of us.

Then, beneath your introduction, name, explain, and give the lines where the three poetic devices you will discuss in your paper were found. Number each one, and do them as modeled below. Discussing more than three devices in your paper is fine.

1.)  a.) Personification – giving human attributes to non-human things

b.) “Because I could not stop for Death, / He kindly stopped for me” (lis 1–2), and “And I had put away / My labor, and my leisure too, / For his civility” (lis 6–8).
2.) a.) Diction – word choice

b.)  “the carriage [which] held but just Ourselves — / and Immortality” (lis 3 – 4).

3.) a.) Sustained metaphor – a comparison that carries through more than one line.

b.) “We passed the School where Children strove / At Recess – in the ring – / We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain – / We passed the setting Sun –” (lis 9 – 12).

Category: Essays

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